Sunday, June 3, 2018

Paperwork Problems

Everything in the medical world uses paperwork. The majority of it is now in digital format, but records are kept of absolutely everything. I'm almost guessing there is a requirement somewhere to count how often someone blinks.

It's not only the patient that has extensive records, it's also the caregiver. All license information must be current, as well as a host of other requirements. For my daytime help, they also have to have paperwork with the state of Iowa. Last October, everyone went through an update and had approval for another few years. At least that's what we thought.

Working for the state, it's always an uncertainty of when the previous month's hours will receive compensation. My main day assistant noticed her time from April was taking much longer than usual to go through the system. Finally after some investigation, she was informed that her paperwork wasn't in order and was not registered as a care provider.

When her pack of nearly 30 pages was completed in October, one signature on one page was missed. That sheet was sent to be corrected and put in the mail, but it apparently was never received. My county DHS worker showed in her information that my caregiver was approved, but digging deeper in other records showed the opposite. Now she has had to register again with the state and wait for approval that could take several months.

I'm thankful that resources are available for the assistants I need in order to stay home. There are many people in the United States that don't receive as much and are forced to have family for help or live in a care facility. Other countries may not cover anything and someone with a disability like mine may not survive such conditions for very long.

It can be easy to worry about the future and what tomorrow will bring when times like this come. However, God regular reminds us in His word to not worry, He is in control. Life may not always go as we expect, but it also increases our trust in Him. I will see what this first full week of June brings in the quad life and use what time I have been given to serve.

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