Sunday, August 2, 2020

August End

Every morning, I say good morning to Alexa (Amazon Echo) and hear something about the day. Yesterday, she said August 1 means the start to the last month of summer. This year, it feels like summer hasn't really happened.

I have gone out on the deck a few times this year to get sun on my legs, but that has been pretty much all I have done. Normally, I enjoy getting out in the warm months and be active. Getting supplies at Walmart when school is out can also be an adventure. I have run into kids I've had in class before and it's fun to watch what mischief children can get into when parents aren't watching.

Of course this summer, the world has been told to stay away from everybody, wear a mask, and most activities were canceled. The few doctors appointments I have gone to say masks are required to enter, but most of my specialists eagerly say I can take mine off and allow for better breathing.

A few days ago, I read a lengthy article from several doctors saying how masks really aren't needed for most people. It also says that effective treatment is available, but the information is being suppressed. Last week, Grace Community Church in California, with Dr. John MacArthur, held church despite California's restriction that church services not be held. I watched the full sermon, as I often do, but agree with the reasoning to meet.

In a few short months, America will again have presidential elections. An increasing number of reports are saying the pandemic will be used to persuade voters and likely return the country to another lock down. I pray it doesn't happen, but fear it's likely to happen. Especially depending on election results in November.

As 2020 continues, it is a year that will be remembered, but many want to forget. Much of the world seems to be heading toward complete chaos without any control, and sound similar to what has been predicted in the Bible.

For the last month of summer, I hope to get out a few more times. If the quad life will continue at home for the rest of the year, it will be another long season to come.

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