Sunday, September 25, 2022

30 in 30

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a new goal for September, getting a video out every day on my YouTube channel. Yesterday, I finished editing and uploading the 30th and final video for the month. If I assume they all get released as scheduled, I will have made my goal.

Getting them made was somewhat fun, but a challenge as well. I like educating about the life I have been given and trying to help others. However, I didn't like the constant feeling of being pushed to get more content out.

At night, I had ideas for script running through my head while also trying to plan time to record. I did about half the videos while in bed. I prefer recording while in my chair, but I knew that it wouldn't be possible to finish everything. Therefore, I tried to prepare messages that included a lot of data for bed recording. It was easier to show statistics and other information on screen while talking about it and not needing to remember it and then add screen shots in editing.

I have watched some YouTube channels that regularly release daily videos, but I don't envy them. Constantly planning and editing is probably a routine you can get used to, but not something I want to do. For me, it would quickly get boring as most days are nearly the same. The channels I watch that do frequent videos are usually families with several kids. Children are usually active in various items and therefore more interest for videos.

While it was a fun experiment, I do not want to continue with the routine. Also this month, I had a doctor's appointment that found I have an infection around my trach. I started an antibiotic about a week ago, but I have to take extra precaution in order to keep my gut working correctly.

The quad life is one I know well and I'm thankful God has given me the ability to do this. I hope to do more videos soon, but only after a few week's break.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Falling Apart or in Control?

Since early 2020, I have not watched mainstream news channels, such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. I may go to my local CBS website for weather updates on occasion, but that's about it. I haven't missed their reports and generally have been fine without it.

Sometimes, I do watch short segments online from Fox news to stay aware of what is going on in the world. The items I watched this week reported on the large increase in violence around the country as some states basically do away with punishment. Another report was somewhat sarcastic as illegal immigrants were brought to areas that say they welcome migrants, but actually don't want any.

Whether you watch the news or not, it isn't hard to see the world is increasing in chaos. Much blame is put on a certain political party, but this isn't the sole source of problems. Looking through history, before it's erased, you can see it building over the last several decades. It has increased as trust in the Bible has decreased.

Starting around 1800, evolutionary theories began to grow in the church. Many theories were proposed that basically said we could reinterpret the clear teaching of Genesis and make it say what we wanted. If you can't trust the opening pages of a book, the foundation it is built upon, why believe the rest? As generations were taught this understanding, less of the Bible was believed.

In the 1970's, children went from being precious gifts from God to a blob of cells that can be killed. More recently, marriage being for one man and woman for life (Genesis 1-2) has become almost anything but this definition. Finally, a person doesn't even need to be the gender they were born as and can pick from over 100 options.

Reading Romans 1, this type of situation is described when a nation is under God's judgment. I continue to pray for a return to Christianity, but am afraid the trend toward more trouble will grow worse. No matter what is going on though, I remember God is in control and is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

For the next several weeks, as another election cycle looms in the United States, I expect to see more outrageous claims and actions. However, I look to the fully reliable history in God's Word and remember that nations come and go, but the Lord's will carries on.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Olmstead Term

In 1999, the US Supreme Court made what's called the Olmstead Decision. The main point was that people with disabilities have the right to live independently, even when using state-funded resources. However, each state is responsible for monitoring its own compliance of this law.

Iowa supports an organization called the Olmstead Consumer Task Force to monitor the state's adherence to this decision and recommend changes. I joined the task force in late 2019 for a three-year term to see where I could help.

Full group meetings were held every-other month at a library near Des Moines. I wasn't sure about attending the four-hour long meetings in winter, but an option was available to join by phone. I think we had three meetings before the pandemic started and every one since then has been completely virtual.

For the first two years, I didn't really know how to help. I commented on occasion about issues I experienced, but not much else. Sitting here on my computer watching people give lengthy reports on Iowa government issues became a test of paying attention and awake. A year ago, I was able to join one of the sub-committees to help with more specific items.

Now, I was able to contribute more to the monthly meetings and feel like I was actually helping. This summer, I initiated a project to address accessibility concerns at a large event held in the state annually. Finally, for the first time in nearly three years, I felt like I was helping and making a difference.

Friday was the last meeting of my term. Several other members voiced opinion with wanting to do more, just as I wanted to do. I felt bad leaving at a time that I could possibly help more Iowans with disabilities. Therefore, I agreed to serve another term.

I have no idea what will happen in three more years, or if I'll be able to complete the term. I also don't need more things to do, but such is the quad life. I pray that I can be a productive member and help others through my participation, however long that is.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Self-Imposed Labor

We have reached September and Labor Day weekend in the U.S. Throughout August, I was looking forward to having a calm month ahead. However, my head wouldn't shut off one night and now I have another full month, even though my calendar is quite sparse.

September is National Spinal Cord Injury awareness month. In 2019, following the example of a friend, I posted something SCI related on Facebook every day of the month. With 30 items, I covered a lot of the aspects of living the quad life and I received several compliments on the project. At some hour of the night around August 20, I got the idea to do the same this year on my YouTube channel.

The next day, I found the list of items I covered in 2019 and adjusted a few to better fit video format. This was all great, but I now committed myself to recording, editing, and uploading 30 videos. I have been struggling to get two out per week the past few months and this would be a lot more work.

Unlike Facebook, I can at least make videos ahead of time and schedule them to be released on certain days and times with YouTube. If I was going to make it happen, I determined I needed to have at least one week's worth of videos finished before September 1. By August 30, I had completed and uploaded eight videos. They weren't all sequential, but I had the first few days covered at least.

Now, I am trying to make at least one video per day and have done two a few times. As of this writing, I have now uploaded 12 videos and hope to get another one finished before this blog goes live. I enjoy helping people learn and it has been fun getting to teach about the life I've been given. The few videos that have gone out to the public have already received good comments and more views than I normally get.

Hopefully, I can finish this project without getting overwhelmed. Maybe by the time the middle of the month arrives I will be able to slow down. However, I wouldn't count on it knowing me.