Sunday, September 24, 2023

Continued Health Maintenance

I don't keep track, but it seems this year has had frequent health updates than any time before. I'm thankful they are relatively minor items and not major struggles like cancer, but they are persistent.

On Tuesday, I met with my ENT and discussed trach button updates. Unfortunately, it still has a tendency to sink in further than it should and drainage has again resumed. To help combat these issues, my doctor and I decided to try another button option that has a larger top. He placed the order with my regular supply company, and I received a call on Wednesday they can't get it. That means a search will be on to find a supplier, but another option should hopefully be available.

Thursday was an appointment with my dermatologist. He continues to monitor progress on my skin openings and prescribe different treatments. The area had a major setback in June, but it has been recovering since then. Unfortunately, the physician wasn't pleased to see the regression in progress since my last visit. A few changes were made to treatment and I am scheduled to see him again before winter hibernation.

Most of Saturday was again spent at my grandmother's house. Earlier this month, my parents and I visited to help start emptying the house as she moved to an apartment. Yesterday, most of my dad's family came to completely go through everything. Every surface was covered with contents from the kitchen cupboards, various drawers, and all rooms of the house. Piles were made for different destinations and a burn pile was already smoking by the time I arrived.

After nearly five hours, my uncles and aunts had cleaned out the basement, kitchen, and most rooms. Grandpa's toy collection still remained, until my cousin's children arrived. Toys that had been forbidden to play with were now up for grabs and soon multiple large boxes were overflowing with trucks and tractors that delighted great-grandchildren were devouring. A few said they planned to keep some in good shape, but others are not old enough to understand such concepts as collectibles.

Yesterday is likely the last time I'll have a wheel in my grandparent's farm house. With ongoing health concerns, it's a reminder of the progression of time and frailty of life. I will always have fond memories of parties at the farm with little room to move, but I know it will be something I miss for the week to come and whatever time I have in this world.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Message Review

Last week, I spoke at a church in Sully, IA. Speaking at church isn't new, but this was a special rededication service that combined two congregations into one. It was a unique experience that I wasn't sure what to expect.

I was initially asked to give the message for this service in early spring. I wasn't very sure what speakers usually covered, but I immediately had half a sermon come to mind. Instead of going to bed at my regular time, I took about 20 minutes to write what was in my head so I may remember later.

As the months passed, different ideas came to mind, but usually in the middle of the night. In August, I got serious about preparing and started writing my message. When I got to page four and wasn't finished, I knew I had to restart. I began from scratch and did get a shorter message, but it still wasn't right. With advice from my mentor who helped me get my license, I did something new. Instead of completely writing what I would say, I just wrote my verse references and some notes for ideas and left it general.

While starting to review, I was also asked to do the children's service. I remembered a message I had given where I talked about Moses and had kids leave their shoes on stage. It would help supplement the service, so that is what I used.

On the day of the service, I navigated to the council room for a quick meeting and pray for guidance. Heading back to the main worship area, I passed an overflow seating area that looked pretty full. Sitting on the stage, I had a full main seating area looking at me as well as a side wing. Guessing by the gospel tracts distributed, there were around 500 people in attendance.

The message went well, looking at dedicating ourselves to God no matter the circumstances. I went over my allotted time, but I had good feedback from several people. It was a unique service, but I'm thankful God used me to give His Word at this service. Currently, I have three more services scheduled for this year, but don't have time for many more before winter.

As for quad life items, minor health challenges continue. I have two doctor's appointments scheduled this week and will need to have a small surgery soon as well. Thankfully, work is slow and I can concentrate on health needs. I will see what another week brings!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Completed Book Project

Over the years, I've had many different projects. In school, I always had assignments that increased in complexity as the years progressed. After college and starting work, I had new projects of web development that continue through today. I also have continuous work of sermon preparation (such as today) and life needs. However, one that has taken a lifetime of research is now complete.

I don't exactly remember when I started my autobiography, but I believe it was around 2018. Since then, I have been writing as I had time and jogging my memory through pictures, interviews, journals, and just thinking back. Some memories have been pleasant to recall, but others were very hard and I struggled to even write them. However, I thought my times of extreme struggle and wondering why I was still around may help others.

Since January, I have been working with an editor to make text changes as well as various suggestions to keep interest. As it progressed, we worked on cover design, wording for different aspects, and interior design. Each step also required approval along with adjustments of pictures and other points.

After nearly five year's of work, it is finally finished. This past Friday, it went available on Amazon for purchase. The paperback version came first, followed by electronic, and hard cover will be coming soon. I like that I can make small text edits any time I want and they can be uploaded to correct future purchases.

Part of me is excited to be finished, but I'm also unsure. I keep questioning if it was worth the effort or if only a few family and friends will find it interesting. Time will tell how it will go and promotion is completely up to me. After all versions are available, I may promote it further, but not sure.

My new question is; now what? I don't want to waste free time on superfluous activities like games or YouTube. I have had another writing project in mind, but not sure if I want to start it immediately. I'm thankful for the quad life God has given me and that I will continue to live remembering to trust in Him.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Toys Collection and Moving

It is Labor Day weekend, a time when families take one last trip before fully diving into school and the unofficial end to summer. Many people look forward to a break from labor, but my family has been laboring to get ready for this weekend.

My paternal grandfather died in 2019, just before Thanksgiving. Since then, grandma has remained living in their house out in the country. Recently, she looked at an apartment at a retirement home in town and decided it was time to move on Labor Day. Therefore, my family has been helping her go through the house she has lived in for nearly 60 years and decide what to take. Part of the process has also meant going through grandpa's things, including his toy collection.

Like most boys growing up in rural Iowa, I played with toy farm equipment and semis. Up through high school, I was in a competition with grandpa on who had what trucks. I had a few he didn't, but he also made sure I got a few special ones while they were still available. Of course, grandpa's collection far exceeded mine and nearly filled an entire room of their house. That room has hardly been touched since 2019, until now.

Dad and I looked through the expansive number of trucks and tractors that were on display. Several of them invoking memories of grandpa and our light-hearted competition. My uncles and cousins had taken a couple items already, and I picked about a dozen trucks to take. However, it hardly made a dent in the number that remain. I would gladly take any my family didn't want, but why?

Sometimes reality hits hard, and different seasons of life often do that. Since I don't have a family, I don't have children to pass memories down to. I am also limited on what funds I can have, so working on selling some items also wouldn't be good. However, the house itself is also a memory and reminder.

Just a few miles out of town, and a nice distance from the main road, it's an ideal location. I would love to be able to move in, live in the country, and help at the farm. Next weekend, grandma's neighbor is auctioning off his farm equipment and many acres of land. In my dreams, I imagine buying the land and operating my own farm, along with my family's adjoining fields.

God's plan for my life is a completely different path. I am thankful for what I have been given, even when reality is hard. I will continue to have memories, and see what my cousins do with the house and land going forward. Now, I need to finalize everything for preaching next week, and the tasks God has given me.