Sunday, January 12, 2025

Are You Prepared to Flee?

The new year is less than two weeks old, and the last seven days have seen devastation in various forms in the country. First, a winter storm hit from Kansas, to Missouri, Indiana, and further east. It dumped large amounts of snow, closing many roads and leaving motorists stranded on the roads.

Second, wild fires in southern California went through suburbs of Los Angeles burning multi-million dollar homes to the ground. Some of the residences were right on the beach with a clear view of water, but they still couldn't be saved. Occasions like these make me think what I would do in these situations and consider how to prepare.

Thankfully, Iowa was spared from this latest winter weather, but we're not unfamiliar with it. For the most part, if you stay home and don't try to head out, it won't be a big issue. In my situation, it likely means no caregivers for a day or two, but that's about it. My town mostly has underground power lines that aren't affected by snow and I try to make sure I have plenty of supplies on hand. Fire is a completely different situation though.

In California, some residents waited until the last minute to evacuate, or chose to stay home and try to protect their house with garden hoses. I saw reports that people were filling their cars with belongings, only to abandon them in grid-locked traffic and flee on foot. The vehicles then had to be bulldozed out of the way for fire trucks to get through.

If I had to evacuate quickly, it would be a mess, especially if I was in bed. Using my lift takes about 10 minutes to get me in my chair. Along with my wheelchair, I would also need my backup diaphragm pacemaker and the wires and brackets that go along with it. After breathing and locomotion, I also have equipment for bathroom needs as well as clearing out my lungs. Just thinking of it all would likely take more time than I had.

I can be thankful that God has not allowed such a situation to occur in my quad life. However, it's something all of us should probably have in mind, and prepare an emergency kit, just in case. Now that we're starting a new week, I pray it will be calmer for everyone. Whatever may come, it's good to remember that God is in control.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Starting Over in a New Year

Another week has elapsed since my last entry. In those seven days, we have had the end of one year and the start of another. Many people make various resolutions for each year, but I tend to just continue with my regular routine.

In 2024, I did a morning reading plan of reading the books of the Bible as they were written chronologically. It was a different way to study, but it isn't a plan I wanted to do again. I'm still learning about the background and settings for each book, but do know a few things. It is fairly widely accepted that Job was the first book written, even before Moses started writing Genesis. However, Job was nearly halfway through the year according to the reading schedule. Therefore, I questioned it's accuracy.

For this year, I'm reading with a friend to help encourage her to continue. Unfortunately, when I went to restart the chronological plan (Genesis-Revelation), my usual web resource wouldn't let me. I reported the problem, but so far have been guessing what chapters to read each day. It won't be long until I'm staring at my computer screen in a morning sleep haze wondering where I left off the previous day.

I noticed that I again met my goal of blogging at least once a week in 2024, making it a full decade of this achievement. With my hospital stay and long recovery, I wasn't sure if it would happen, but long reports of the experience helped. I hope to do the same this year, but likely won't add the challenge of weekly pictures as well. I do like breaking up solid text blocks though, so I won't go completely without graphics.

Currently, those are my only plans for the year. As always, it depends on my caregiver schedule in what I can do. Two out of the the first three day shifts this year went without help, and winter is really just starting. That is a regular part of the quad life, and I'll continue to look to God and follow where He leads me.

Have a great week and year ahead!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Looking Back at 2024

Once again, the year has come to an end. This event happens every 52 weeks, or 364.25 days, but it seems to come quickly. In 2024 we had a full extra day, but it is now time to look back at the year past and ahead to the one to come.

Nationally, the biggest thing to occur was likely the presidential election. According to some news sources, we had the earliest presidential debate in history, which ended up in President Biden ending his reelection campaign and the Vice President becoming the nominee. It meant VP Harris became the candidate without ever receiving a vote. Her short campaign spent $1.4 billion, but ended in debt and with a defeat to President Trump. Even before taking office, positive changes have come and I look forward to what will come in 2025.

Blogger at the end of 2024
Personally, it was a challenging year for my family and I. We had several months without much nursing coverage, making it hard for my parents to work or do regular activities. In August, mom's mother passed away, which will leave an empty spot in our life forever. After years of staying free from hospital stays, I returned with gusto. Having three ER visits, two ambulance rides, and two multi-day hospital stays is something I don't want to repeat. It again was hard on my parents and I and it took several weeks to recover.

On positive notes, I was able to do volunteer at both my regular gospel outreach events. I also completed a course on expository preaching and had a few opportunities to preach. Spring also marked my 20th anniversary for speaking at grade schools. My goal of including a picture with each post was also achieved. Despite difficulties, God brought us through again and continues His promise to fulfill our needs.

With a year ahead, I never know what to expect. Even though she finished school in December and moved back to Arizona, Brenda is planning to come help for a special event in a few months. My nursing coverage is currently stable with no changes foreseen. That is a big source of thanksgiving heading into the year and one to continue to pray about.

Thank you for sticking with the quad life through another spin around the sun. I will see what comes and report each week along the way.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Gift of Christmas

It's the last Sunday before Christmas. Stores have had Christmas displays for several months, but last minute shoppers were out in force this weekend finding bargains. Tuesday afternoon will likely be the same, as some wait to get gifts until the last minute. No matter what material positions are under the tree this year, we can't forget the true gift that was given 2,000 years ago.

Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Ever since Adam sinned, death has been a constant for all mankind. Everyone inherits the sin nature, and therefore earn our wages. A simple look at the Ten Commandments, and honestly judging ourselves, will show our sins.

However, the Creator of the universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords, willingly humbled himself and came in the form of a helpless baby. The One who knows every star by name, and had angels announce His arrival, had to be fed, carried around, and changed. Later on, this same Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and made it that His perfect life is seen as ours. This gift of everlasting life is for all who repent of sin and trust in God alone for salvation.

Just like gifts under the tree this Christmas, we can't do anything to merit or deserve them. If we did, it would just be a form of payment. However, in response to this gift, we can show thanks by telling others, giving thanks to God, and doing His will. Unlike material gifts, this one will not grow old, outdated, or appear somewhere else as a white elephant gift. We also don't want to wait until the last minute to receive it.

Every day, more than 150,000 people die, and we don't know when our time will come. Some people say they will repent on their death bed, but they may not get that chance. Don't do like last minute shoppers, today if you hear His voice, don't wait.

I'm thankful for this gift in the quad life and pray it will be the focus of your celebrations this week. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Busy Quad Week

Most weeks, excluding my medical routines, I feel I do regular activities to other men. I work on whatever is needed for my job, study Scripture, and play some games for relaxation. This week though, has been mainly quad life activities.

The first four nights, Sunday through Wednesday, did not have a night nurse scheduled. Mom and I did the regular routine of staying up until 1:30 when dad took over. He finishes my cares around 2:00 and I

can sleep until around 7:45, if my body lets me. One or two nights is okay, but four gets hard. I had a couple afternoons I tried taking a nap for 30-45 minutes. If someone came into my room, they would maybe see a foot sticking out, but I am otherwise cocooned under pillows and sheets.

Monday, Brenda worked her regular shift and then another four hours Tuesday night so my parents could rest more. Unfortunately, that was her last regular shift with me. Brenda has finished her schooling in Iowa and now returned to her home in Arizona. When she started at age 19 in early 2022, I wasn't sure what we were getting into. However, she has been a blessing from God that my family has greatly benefited from. I'm thankful for the unique skills I was able to teach her and hope they will be useful in Brenda's future career. Now, I pray my remaining daytime caregivers will be able to cover all five days a week again.

Last Thursday, December 5, I made my regular monthly medication order. I had received a letter from insurance that rules had changed for one, but it sounded like it only needed an updated prescription. As with most things insurance related, that wasn't the case. Every day this week I had to call or email either my pharmacy, doctor's office, or insurance. First one thing was needed, then another, and at least once it looked like I could no longer get it. This Friday, I had a note from my doctor that insurance approved the medication and the pharmacy delivered it that day. Technically, I ran out of my month supply that day, but I've learned to accumulate a few extra with strategic order times.

I'm looking forward to a regular week coming up as we prepare for Christmas. I have also had trouble with a very stuffy nose and sore trach button the last few days, but I pray it clears up. Have a great final week before Christmas!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

To Lift or Not Lift

Lately it seems like it's one thing after another that gives problems. This week, it was a device that has been working well for decades that decided to stop.

In 1994, a few months after moving into our new house, dad installed a lift on my bedroom ceiling. At that time, my nurses used it daily to get me in and and of bed for school. Now, my caregivers still use it every time I get up, just not as often. This past Monday, I went to get up to bike, but the lift's hook wouldn't go down to connect to the sling underneath me.

That night, dad looked at it and couldn't find obvious problems other than some green goo in the main control wire. He tried cleaning it out Monday and Tuesday evening, but couldn't get it completely clean. It was a mystery of where to look next or how to fix it.

Wednesday, my caregiver noticed a phone number on the machine. I figured it had been disconnected long ago, but it actually rang and a very helpful person from the lift company answered. He gave direction on other areas to look and emergency controls that none of us knew existed. That evening, I relayed my new lift knowledge to dad and, after some ingenuity, he was able to get it cleared out and working again. I got up on Friday and Saturday with some slight lift hiccups, but they were successful flights.

We often take things for granted, until they stop working. I've been thankful for the last three decades that I can get out of bed without relying solely on dad. My parents were able to take a few days away, and I figured I would be stuck in bed all week. I'm glad that wasn't the case and the problem was solved before they left.

Matthew 6:34 says to not worry about tomorrow as each day has enough trouble of its own. That has been the quad life this week, but I'm thankful to know God has every day, and minute, covered.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Mattress Matters

I spend most of my time in bed. It is where I can change positions easily and my computer is most accessible. Doing my medical cares are also easiest when laying down, so it's where I spend my time. Therefore, I use my air mattress a lot and depend on it being stable.

Unfortunately, the mattress I was using was around 10 years old and was sinking in whenever I sat. In January, I started working on a replacement. Not all air mattresses are made to be able to sit, and finding a provider turned out to be quite a challenge. In June, I was introduced to another equipment supplier that had mattress options I could use.

The next few months were spent on paperwork and several weeks of silence. The person I started working with left the company and nobody contacted me to follow-up. Finally, early this month, I received my new mattress and dad got it setup on my bed. After 11 months' of work, I was glad to be finished and looked forward to no leaks and sinking. However, the joy didn't last very long.

It has now been three weeks since I started using the new system and most of my caregivers, and I, don't like it. No matter what position I'm in, I sink in and am hard to reposition. When I sit, the mattress has a special "sit mode" that we are all having trouble remembering to turn on and off.

When dad investigated my old mattress, he found a hose with a hole when I was sitting. He swapped it around with another one and likely fixed the issue, within an hour. 

So far, I haven't heard of switching back to my old mattress. It's frustrating that the new one wasn't a better solution, but I guess I learned what not to get. Such is the quad life, but I'm thankful to have options to try and at least have a good backup if, or when, it's needed.