Sunday, May 5, 2019

Dating Guys in Wheelchairs

Last week, a friend shared a blog post giving ten reasons to date a disabled lady. I don't necessarily agree with everything, but it was an interesting post, but I noticed it didn't say anything about guys. Therefore, I was challenged to come up with my own version. It isn't ten, but these are a few points I would include.
  1. Good Mouth Skills: Most people primarily use their mouth for regular tasks such as talking and eating. As a quadriplegic, I use my mouth for everything, such as writing this blog. I haven't delved into further mouth tasks, but could likely learn easily.
  2. Remote Control: Television use has changed over the years, but they still require a remote control. A regular complaint I hear from couples is the husband won't relinquish the remote. I can't grab it in the first place, so I would not have such an issue.
  3. Quiet Snore: Another regular qualm wives have with husbands is loud snoring at night. My breathing is completely controlled by my diaphragm pacemaker. I'm told I do snore, but it's very quiet, and every four seconds, with no change. While muscle spasms and kicking legs could be another issue, obnoxious breathing isn't.
  4. Easy to Locate: If I'm not in my wheelchair, I stay wherever I'm put. Even in my chair, I can only go to level areas and indoors if doors aren't opened. Even in a crowd, I'm usually pretty easy to spot. Therefore, little wondering where I am or when I'll get home for supper as I'm likely already there.
  5. Available Transport: I deplore shopping and am very content to have my stuff delivered. However, when the need arises for brick & mortar stores, I have handy areas to hang bags. My chair is often utilized when unloading the van as a shopping cart to move goods. I also always have a lap available for tired young children.
Above all, I put God first in my life and would treat a potential partner according to His word. The quad life has many challenges, and they would be hard for anyone to enter into. However, we can offer a full, loving relationship as other men. I don't see me getting to experience this part of life, but gladly live in the world God has given me.