Sunday, June 7, 2020

Getting Distracted

In high school, and especially in college, I could read a few paragraphs in a text book, look up from it, and not remember what I read. My mind would wonder somewhere else, if I stayed awake, while my eyes continued reading. I would like to say it has improved as I have gotten older, but I'm not much better.

For many years, I never read unless I had to as part of an assignment or my nightly Bible reading. It takes work to setup a book for me to read and some books can be a battle to keep pages open. However, in about the last ten years, I have increased reading via computer. I also now regularly read books on creation and confirming the accuracy of Scripture. It's a topic I enjoy and helps pass time while I'm flat in bed.

It's easier to keep my concentration on the books I read during the day, at least by not letting my head drift away (drifting asleep is still an issue). However, my caregiver that I normally have set me up with a book loves to talk, about anything. So that can make it challenging, but I still learn.

The biggest struggle is at night when reading the Bible. I want to concentrate on God's Word, but that's when my head goes off to other topics. I may start to think of what the tabernacle looked like and end up thinking of what to say during a school talk, sermon, or even on here. What is pictured in my head usually has nothing to do with the text.

Before long, I can be half a column away from where I last remembered and have to go back and read again. It can frustrating, especially when it continues on to when I should be sleeping. I always come up with my best writing or talking points at odd hours in the night, away from my computer.

A lot of distraction has also been happening in the world the last few months. First, the news primarily only talked about virus updates and statistics. Just as that was starting to clear up, now the main focus is on riots and who is doing what against someone else. If I hadn't watched it live on YouTube, I don't think I would have heard anything about the first maned rocket to space from the U.S. in nine years last week.

It can be difficult, but be careful not to get distracted from God's saving work on the cross. It is what the world needs the most, but will focus on anything else. It's not just a problem in the quad life, but something everyone can spend time on this week.

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