Sunday, May 21, 2023

Drugged Speaking Week

It's a new week, but the challenges have been continuing. On Monday, it was confirmed I had a bladder infection and I needed to continue on the antibiotic I had already started. I had expected the result, and had planned accordingly.

In order to prevent digestive issues while on antibiotics, I increase my yogurt and probiotic intake as well. I have mostly remembered to do this with every meal and it seems to be keeping everything working well. Tomorrow should be my last day on the extra medication and I look forward to getting back to my regular med schedule. However, every type of treatment also has associated problems.

Tuesday was my first college visit of the year. Going from grade school to college is a bit of an adjustment, but it went pretty well. My allotted one-hour time slot was easily filled and I could have gone longer answering questions. It seemed odd talking with a class of only seven students, but I hope my brief time with them helped.

On Friday, I had my last grade school visit for the year. While driving (riding) to Tuesday's college talk, I noticed I was really tired. Preparing for Friday's talk, I couldn't keep my eyes open. While I took an impromptu nap, my caregiver looked at my antibiotic's side affects and found it included drowsiness and inability to focus. It explained my foggy feeling at Tuesday's class, but didn't help solve anything.

Even with the nap delay, I arrived to an energetic class of third graders with a full minute to spare. I didn't have time to feel tired or not focused as the class kept the teacher and I busy maintaining an appearance of order. I'm thankful I was able to get to visit this school again and now can focus on more upcoming college classes.

Working with students of all ages and teaching them about the quad life is something I enjoy. I'm thankful I know the routines well so that I can do everything without much thinking and the audience can learn even when I'm in a fog. I don't know if I'll be able to visit more next school year, but I will do what God allows.

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