Sunday, February 23, 2025

Looking Back at 40 Years

February is always a month of transition for me. The last major, long-lasting, storms of winter and cold air usually subside and start to give way to spring. As I write this week's entry, a long stretch of sub-zero temperatures has ended and the thermostat is above freezing. February 20 is also the anniversary of entering the quad life. This years marked the 40th anniversary of that journey that started on a cold winter evening.

The last few days, I posted an entry on my Facebook page and a video on my YouTube channel to mark the date. Seeing the comments has relived support from so many over the decades, and memories of all that has happened.

As a three-year-old, I didn't fully realize what was going on with my body. I don't remember waking up to a realization one day, but just gradual acceptance of this was just my life. My parents were told I would be walking by the time I was ten, which was also about how long I would live. More than four times than that has passed, and I'm still here, but not walking.

When my parents won the battle to bring me home again and live a "regular" life, they were warned I would constantly be sick. I went through grade school, high school, and college without any major illness. Pressure sores were, and are, a problem, but that wasn't due to classmates.

Technology has also vastly improved with now using the diaphragm pacemaker, FES bike, and general antibiotics. I greatly miss having uninterrupted speech on the vent, but enjoy having natural breathing.

Unfortunately, I've lost many quad friends that have not been given this many years. I sometimes wonder why God chose to bless me this way, but I try to work for Him however I can. What this next year, and new decade, will bring, I don't know. Whatever it is, I trust God and His lead in everything.

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