Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Problem

Unless you live completely off the grid, you have likely seen protests in the past few weeks. It seems that pretty much everything President Trump does results in some sort of protest. I saw a spoof a few days ago that I liked. If the president was recorded breaking wind in a restroom, protestors would likely accuse him of causing global warming with an increase of methane.

I will freely admit I was not around in the 1970's, I wasn't even born yet. I've seen videos and stories about hippies and Vietnam protestors during that era of history and I'm imagining the current problems are getting more extensive. Someone would need to confirm or deny it for me, but that's my estimation.

Every time I watch the news, a phrase from Judges keeps coming to mind, "...everyone did as he saw fit." (Judges 17:6) Israel did not have a leader that followed God's law and everyone just did their own thing, to put a modern term to it. This was the case with the Obama administration as well, but it seems to have grown exponentially with the new leadership, at least according to the mainstream media.

No human leader will ever be perfect, they're human and have inherited the sin nature from our original parents. However, we have rapidly gone away from the Bible and following God's conduct for living. Things that are good, like stopping funding to kill babies, and stopping people that want to cause harm, should be universal desires, not something to protest.

As Jesus said in John 18:36, "my kingdom is not of this world." We can pray for the country and its leaders and hope to see improvements and a return to peaceful relations. However, what happens to the quad life in this short time period on earth isn't the issue. If everyone, including protestors, would look to the true source for guidance and wisdom, it would be a change in the right direction. As always, I'll see what another week brings.

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