Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day 2020

In May, we observed Mother's Day while being quarantined at home. Restrictions have mostly been lifted since then, at least in Iowa, but we will still be staying at the house for this holiday.

Most years, I am at camp on Father's Day and it goes by with little notice. At camp, and weekend days, dad is responsible for doing most of my daily cares. This year, we are at least in the state, but I can't really give him much of a break unfortunately.

For all my life, and especially since starting the quad life, I have been very dependent on dad for help. Through his employer, he has given insurance that allows me to stay home as well as provide financial support for my family. When a nurse calls off sick or due to weather, he is the one that does whatever physical care I need and gets little sleep, along with mom. The last few months have added extra tasks to him as well.

Normally, I track my own needs for basic supplies such as toothpaste, paper towels, etc. When I'm getting low, or run out of something, my caregiver and I go to the store and purchase what I need. However, I haven't been shopping since at least February, if not earlier. Mom also regularly gets groceries and similar items on her own, although dad does sometimes help with this. Now, with the pandemic, dad has been the one to brave the stores for all of us. I give my list along with my parents and he goes out, with a mask, attempting to avoid close contact with other people. It has become part of the routine now, and one I don't see changing soon unfortunately.

Jesus said in Matthew 23:9 to not call anyone on earth father, for we have one Father who is in heaven. A full explanation could take another post, but that is why I generally just use the term dad. No matter the name, I easily see an example of our heavenly Father in my dad. Just as God provides for us all our needs, dad does all he can to provide for mom and I. It hasn't always been easy, especially the last few months, but dad keeps working as he can.

This week, be sure to thank our earthly parents for all they have done, either passed or present. Also remember look to our Father in heaven who has provided us a way to be reconciled to Him through His son, Jesus.


  1. Your dad looks pretty tall, it means you are too. How tall are you?

    1. I'm only 5'3" tall. Scoliosis is a major problem for young quadriplegics and likely kept me shorter.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Still you are taller than me 😅
