Sunday, April 9, 2023

Hurry to What?

It seems to be a usual circumstance, but it has been a busy week with a lot of hurry up and wait. I have been working with a few clients on different projects. Two in starting phases of redesign, one in posting registration, and two others with help desk items.

Most of these have required research, either in design ideas or how to solve issues, and others speaking with customer service reps. Whatever I am doing, I have a constant eye on the clock as to when I need to either go flat in bed or sit and work on something.

Friday morning, I had my regular scheduled appointment with my pulmonologist in Des Moines. I have been having a lot of junk in my lungs and trouble with clearing it ever since returning to the trach in December. I hoped he could provide some input, but of course my lungs were perfectly clear during the appointment and x-rays. He said to keep him updated, but couldn't really say what was the cause or what to do.

When leaving the clinic, a couple Canadians watched me get loaded in the van. The hurried feeling continued as my caregiver and I found fast food so we could get home, do my afternoon medical cares, and be ready for Good Friday service that evening.

Sitting in church Friday evening as the sun set, it was a well done service of going through the stages of Jesus' arrest, trial, and crucifixion. The entire time, I couldn't shake the feeling of looking at my watch and wanting to get on to whatever was next. I wanted to be in church, take communion, and reflect on what Christ has done for me. However, the week's work stayed with me and was hard to overcome.

On this Easter Sunday, take time to remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. All who truly repent from sin and trust in Him alone will be saved from eternity in hell. In current society, we are pushed to go from one thing to the next and always keep going. However, make sure to stop and give attention to Him who is in charge of all. Whenever this life ends, you don't want to regret missing the most important assignment for everyone.

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