Sunday, April 30, 2023

Reviewing Faiths

A few months ago, I posted about a series I was doing on YouTube called The Barefoot Preacher. It had about a month-long break in March, but I have been trying to regularly post videos. For the past few episodes, I have been comparing some of the world religions with Christianity. So far, I have gone over Judaism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, and just finished another one to release later this week.

It has been a few years, but I purchased a couple books that give details on world religions. One gives only basic information on about 12 faiths, but the other gives a lot of detail on about 30 different religions. I don't think many Christians take time to study alternate beliefs, but I think it has been helpful.

First, if someone comes knocking at the door to talk about their faith, I can give more thought out responses. Later this week, I also plan to be with an outreach group at my town's annual spring festival. If, or when, I speak with people that have other faiths, it helps to know their basic beliefs and I can describe differences from being a Christian.

Most religions outside of Christianity teach you have to do various works to merit salvation. Some prescribe certain chants or actions that need to be done to cover sin while others say yo can help dead relatives get to heaven. Eastern religions, like Buddhism, have permeated western culture with its teaching in reincarnation and getting to try multiple times to get it right.

Ultimately, only two religions exist in the world, God's and not God's. Their is only one true faith that is fully based on God's Word in the Bible. The rest have been made by mankind's thoughts and trying to blend what they like and don't like.

I'm thankful that God has allowed me to use the quad life He has given me to serve Him and be able to tell others about the good news of Christ. This week ahead will be busy, but it's something I look forward to in order to help others.

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