Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Independent Dependent

We just celebrated Independence Day when the US became its own nation. A lot of time has passed since becoming a free nation and there has been a lot done in these centuries.

Programs like social security, Medicaid, and Medicare have helped people to live more independently than they could without. With having so much time I have to give for normal living, working full-time would be very difficult. Laying flat for multiple hours a day doesn't allow work to be done very easily. Last month, I worked over 21 hours for paid web development as well as multiple hours volunteer work and some speaking. It often felt like every minute of sit time was spent working. I have done full-time work before, 40 hours a week, but there's no way my body could handle it anymore.

Medicaid is what is currently allowing me to stay out of a care facility. For many years, I barely used it for anything. However, I'm thankful that I was able to fall back on it with last year's insurance changes. For others like me, it fully covers living in a nursing home and covers needs such as ventilators and wheelchairs. It only allows the bare minimum, but it's better than laying on the floor unable to breathe. Unfortunately, both programs also have their problems.

For social security and Medicaid, I have to have very little income or funds to my name. With a limit of $2,000 in total financial accounts, savings are impossible. I am allowed to have a fund for burial expenses, but only as long as I can't access it while I'm alive. Since I can't get life insurance, they tend to like clients that breathe independently, I'm thankful I can at least save in that way.

However, if I was able to get full-time, or even regular part-time, work, I would not be allowed to earn more than $2,000 per month. Some states do have programs around this, but I am not aware of one in Iowa. You therefore become dependent on this programs for daily living. Without them, even earning a regular full-time wage, I could never afford medical expenses. It might be possible with a six-figure income, but it would still be a challenge. It would be quite a change to go from basically no income to a hefty salary as well.

With our current system, it makes me partially independent from family and friends for basic needs, but dependent on it as well. Living the quad life can be a challenge from many angles. We'll see what God has in store for the coming week.

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