Sunday, March 25, 2018

Crazy World

I watch very little actual television. I watch shows on NetFlix and some on YouTube, but very rarely anything recently produced. What I do watch, nearly every night, is about 15-20 minutes of news. My main purpose is to see what the weather may do in the coming day and week. Unfortunately, that also means watching the other information given.

The nightly show labeled as news is getting to a point that it just feels like I'm watching political bashing and opinions. The occasional local traffic accidents, fires, and other misfortune are items to note, but they aren't the majority of coverage.

In the last few weeks, the current agenda, or news, has been gun laws in the wake of the February 14 school shooting. Various suggestions for rules are given with video of teenagers marching and giving their input. Something you don't ever hear is what regulations already exist.

Granted, I haven't researched, but I'm quite confident that every state, county, and town has a rule against murder. There are various self-defense clauses, but nobody is allowed to go and kill people. Despite this, people die by the acts of another throughout the country on a regular basis.

Maryland recently had another school shooting as well, but the gunman was quickly taken care of by a security officer. The suspect was under age to have the weapon he possessed, in a gun free zone, and was against several other ordinances. Despite this, he still tried to carry out his ill intent. The media hardly mentioned the incident and certainly didn't show the laws that were in place that were ignored.

Unfortunately, we can make all the rules and regulations that can be considered, but they won't stop a would be criminal getting what he or she wants to fulfill their desire. Laws on illegal drugs have been enforced for many years, but it still doesn't stop the sell and spread of these harmful chemicals.

Jesus said that times like these would come, but it's still not fun to see them. The only true solution is getting hearts and minds back to God and that all life is precious, from conception to natural death. I don't see this change happening any time soon, but I still pray it does. Hopefully this coming week will be one with less chaos, but only time will tell.

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