Sunday, October 13, 2019

Long Short Nights

At the end of June, I learned I would be losing my main night nurse. My initial thoughts went to how many nights would not be covered and all the extra work for my parents. August and September had several shifts open, but not as many as I feared. Unfortunately, this week has been the struggle I feared.

Since last Saturday, October 5, through tonight, only three nights have been covered. Tonight will be the third night in a row without a nurse. Thankfully, my main day assistant has come for a couple hours every evening to help with my night routine. This allows dad to get to bed earlier and get more sleep, but still less than normal and then he stays up half the night.

On Thursday, I had my annual meeting with my county DHS worker. This meeting was to make sure all my paperwork and documentation, that mom coordinates, is in order for the state of Iowa. The state then either approves, or denies, the multitude of exceptions I have that allow me to stay home. I was told that most plans like mine aren't being allowed. However, it's cheaper for the state to have me at home instead of a facility, so I should be approved.

The head supervisor of my nursing agency also comes to this annual gathering. He said they currently have about 140 openings for nurses. Due to regulations for nurse training, he said there are fewer people graduating college in the nursing field than are retiring. Therefore, the openings that are already nearly impossible to fill will only get worse.

A family I know in Florida has an eleven-year-old son with the same injury level, and care needs, as me. They have been without any night coverage for three months and his parents cover the time. They hardly ever get to spend time together, or much with their four other children, as a result. With the late nights, mom has been having increasing pain in her legs and other health issues.

Unfortunately, it's an increasingly common issue with the quad life, but their is hope. Last week, this family in Florida had a promising interview with a nurse and will hopefully get two nights a week covered. It isn't much, but anything helps. I keep reading and seeing messages how God answers prayer for those who ask Him. I know sometimes the answer is no, but I keep praying for some relief for my family, but also all those in similar situations.

A lot can change in a few day's time, so I will see what is in God's plan this week.

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