Sunday, November 26, 2023

Dreaming, then Thinking

It has been a slow week in the quad life. With the holiday week, not much for web development was needed and I don't have a lot of other projects going on. Dad was also not feeling well for several days and we therefore just stayed home by ourselves on Thanksgiving. When I have slow days, or not even, my mind wonders and I start to dream.

For at least a year, I have been listening to a weekly podcast called Transformed, with Dr. Greg Gifford. He is a Biblical psychologist with the Master's University and covers various topics each week. I have learned a few things from this resource and it has also jogged my mind.

I have had some people ask me for help when dealing with anxiety or other issues. I like helping people and pointing to God's Word for assurance. I've also heard my book has helped some readers see life in a new way. Therefore, what would it take become an actual counselor and be able to use the experiences God has given me? It's still unopened, but I already have a book on my shelf about counseling from a Biblical perspective.

This week, I browsed through the website for the Master's University and looked at the requirements for their counseling degree. It is available completely online and covers several areas I would enjoy learning about. I nearly clicked the button to receive more information, but then I actually started thinking.

My latest college courses were over 15 years ago and likely no longer applicable to transfer credits. Taking classes part-time would likely require six or more years to complete the course. I will be celebrating another birthday soon, and I would be nearing 50 by the time I finished. At that point, even if I was still living at home, I would likely not be able to make much use of my new skills.

Therefore, like many things, it will remain a dream of something I may have enjoyed doing, but wasn't in God's plans. No matter the case, it's still somewhat fun to dream and look at using the time I've been given for God's glory.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thanksgiving in 23

Thanksgiving is a holiday that largely gets overlooked by retailers. However, we need to give thanks every day, not just one day a year, and not forget. Since this is 2023, I decided to list 23 things to be thankful for. If we truly sit down and think about life though, the list could be endless.

  1. God's grace
  2. Sacrifice of Jesus for my sins
  3. God's Word
  4. Loving parents
  5. Caregivers
  6. Friends
  7. Medical funding
  8. Freedom to worship
  9. Freedom of speech
  10. Computers
  11. Mouth stick
  12. Internet
  13. Strong mouth
  14. Wheelchair
  15. Diaphragm pacemaker
  16. Accessible van
  17. Air
  18. Vision
  19. Hearing
  20. Clear thinking
  21. Grandparents
  22. Furnace
  23. Getting back on Facebook

Limiting myself to these was actually hard, but a good practice. Happy Thanksgiving from the quad life and let us give thanks continually!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Results Reveal state of Mind

Tuesday was election day in the US. It wasn't for any federal offices or state government, but primarily city government. Some states had different measures, but most weren't anything newsworthy.

In my town, a controversy has been going on over our library. Unlike most municipalities, elected officials have no say in what books are available, it's only up to an internal library board. A few of the book additions in the last couple years have included books aimed at children that encourage inappropriate relationships with adults. This, and a few others, have caused many in the community to raise issue with the library to make a change.

One of the options on last week's vote was to say Yes for a change to the library's governance or No, to leave it as is. I, and everyone I associate with, were hoping to see the change go through so that inappropriate books could be removed. Unfortunately, Wednesday morning, I saw that this vote did not go as I had hoped and neither did selection for mayor. The results were close, but that doesn't change the verdict.

Another vote I was listening to was in Ohio. An option was on the ballot to change the state's constitution to allow for abortion (murder) up until the moment of birth. This also passed, despite a lot of work to educate the public.

Both of these election results show how the state of mind has changed in the US, even in small-town Iowa. More people are abandoning the truth of God's Word that clearly says children are a cherished gift, not something to be killed for whatever reason. Also, they are to be taught the Bible so that everything may go well in adult life, not encouraged to practice sinful behavior that could scar them mentally and physically for life.

Reading passages such as Genesis 18-19 and the book of Judges, we can see what happens when a country forgets God. The US has been racing away from His Word and laws for decades, and it's only getting worse. We already have trillions of dollars in debt that continues to grow and some areas that are so lawless, that businesses just leave. God has been gracious that judgment has not already been poured out on us, but the time until it happens continues to get shorter. An interview I recently did on evangelism also came out this month, and I hope more people take these things to heart and do likewise.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Eliminating Human Option

Even before 2020, some companies were working to reduce employees and replace them with other options. Retailers such as Walmart replaced some checkout lanes with self-checkout. Therefore, instead of someone checking your items and bagging them, the customer has to do everything. Some stores have completely replaced checkout isles now so that you have no option other than doing it everything on your own. This has become normal routine when shopping, but it causes more problems.

Walmart, and other companies, have had to close stores due to a large increase in theft. Some people have learned to trick item scanners and get an expensive item for much less than the actual cost. Yes, these stations are somewhat monitored by employees, but not very closely.

When getting supplies, I refuse to self-checkout isles. It may require waiting in line for several minutes, but it's still worth it. Having an employee scan items decreases chance of theft, gives work for someone, and can allow for a gospel conversation. The products I purchase are going toward paying that person as well and I don't get a discount if I do their job.

The same thing goes with online interactions. Automation can be used for most items, but human intervention is sometimes needed. The last several weeks, I have talked about my trouble with Facebook. Saturday morning, I tried to make another account with a name and email change. This time, it worked and I was able to login. I started giving friend requests to people I know and were aware of what has been happening. However, the account was again suspended a few hours later as being a duplicate account of one that had been banned.

Without the option to contact an actual person, I can't see what was originally marked to delete my account or help to replace it. Now, even with searching for solutions, I have to guess and see what might work. I'm used to not interacting with many people, but I have definitely noticed the social isolation.

Studies have also shown that Gen Z especially struggles with human interaction and depression from it. Only looking at screens and text instead of verbal communication is something mankind was designed for, and needs.

I will start the appeal process for the third time and see what happens. As winter looms and this quad life mainly stays at home, I'm not looking forward to very limited interaction with people. However, it does at least allow for more time studying God's Word and His creation.