Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

It somewhat come up without me noticing, but it is already Memorial Day weekend. For the past week or so, I have been preparing to preach this morning and the holiday just slipped my notice. The sales ads have been going to my inbox and trash can, but I kept thinking it was far off.

No matter if I pay attention to the world or not, time keeps moving on. Most schools have finished for the year and this weekend is the unofficial start to summer. Rather than just an extra day to grill and mow the lawn, we need to remember what this day was set apart to remember.

My maternal grandfather was drafted into the Army to serve in the Korean War. This conflict started only five years after World War II and was during the long Cold War era. Thankfully, my grandfather returned home safely and went on to continue farming and raising his family. However, that was not the case for everyone.

Five military logos
Whether they volunteered or were drafted, many soldiers went off to fight for their country and never returned home. Some families will never even know what happened to their loved one except that they went missing and never returned.

Since America became a country, we have been part of several conflicts. Some have helped free countries from cruel dictatorships and ensure the Western world is free to enjoy many liberties we take for granted. Unfortunately, tides change as politically forces shift and do what they think is best.

A few years ago, American forces abruptly left the Middle East and abandoned several billion dollar's worth of equipment. Some of the top military leaders have also foregone God's creation in gender and become more concerned how men can wear women's uniforms than keeping the country safe.

What will happen to the US in the future is totally under God's control. Whatever will come, I'm thankful for what I have been blessed with and will try to use it with the true cost in mind.

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