Sunday, June 2, 2024

Graduation Season

For most schools, the year is now complete and kids are free for the summer. Most students enjoy the break before moving up a year, but others have finished their school career.

I saw pictures, and video, of one of the campers from CHAMP Camp getting his high school diploma. I remember many summers of having being in his cabin and the multitude of pranks he helped initiate, and receive. It's great to see "Batman" move on to his next stage in life.

Yesterday, my parents and I went to a graduation party for my cousin's son. He is also a rail enthusiast and has many pictures, videos, and stories from watching trains in central Iowa. In many ways, he reminds me of myself in high school with trains on the brain. Unlike me, he plans to continue his rail interest as a career. Plans are to be a conductor with the Iowa Interstate railroad, at least for now.

Seeing graduates ignites my interest in learning again. I have been looking at a 12-week course on expository preaching. I hope to start it soon, but other factors, such as caregivers and required preaching assignments, need to be considered.

Unfortunately, many colleges and large universities have only become indoctrination centers for radical political agendas. Public high schools, and even grade schools, start the training well before students escape their walls.

Scripture reminds us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Also, if we lack wisdom, we should ask God who gives generously (James 1:5). School in any form helps gain knowledge, but we need to always remember from where it comes.

I congratulate all recent graduates and pray they go on to serve God in whatever is next.

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