Sunday, April 28, 2024

Healthiest in the Bunch?

Most weeks come and go without any big changes happening. Sometimes, you wonder what is going to come next. This last week was the second scenario with everything seeming to happen at once.

I am very blessed to have six primary caregivers and three that help on various schedules. As everyone ages, I have also been thankful that mostly everyone has stayed in good physical condition. Unfortunately, that can change quickly.

For my regular six helpers, three now have shoulder problems, one is having back trouble, and another has various challenges with age. The remaining three, one is leaving soon for summer break and only has limited availability. As sales commercials say, "But wait, there's more!"

After time in Hospice, my great aunt (grandmother's sister) passed away this week. Trying to coordinate how to get everyone to where they need to be and logistics has required careful planning. Just for fun, Iowa has also been having severe weather alerts. Friday night, mom and a friend went to a movie and had to spend time in the hallways due to tornado warnings. One of my web clients also had their site disappear and it took a fair amount of time and investigation to get it restored.

With all this, it can be easy to get anxious and worry about the future. However, it's time to remember that God said to be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6) and to not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). It doesn't mean to never make plans or do things get insurance. They remind us God is in control and to give everything to Him in prayer. When Job was allowed to be tested, he wanted to talk with God and get an explanation to his suffering. At the end, when Job did talk with God, he repented in dust and ashes (Job 42:6).

As another week starts, I look forward to seeing what God has in store and trusting Him for whatever comes.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Junior High Teacher

I enjoy working with children. I like helping them learn, hearing their perspective on life, and of course watching them play and enjoy life. I don't get to this very often, but even short experiences are fun. Usually, I work with kids around age 8-10 when speaking in schools or when I volunteered at CHAMP Camp. Teens are an entirely different dynamic from their younger versions and harder to ascertain what they are thinking and understanding. However, that is the age group I have been working with for the last month.

In 2010, just a few weeks before getting my diaphragm pacemaker, I taught the high school class in my church's Sunday school. It was a short course on geology from a creation viewpoint and was fun to give. I had to bribe the teens with candy to answer questions, but it worked. This school year, I volunteered to be a substitute Sunday school instructor. I knew I couldn't commit to every Sunday through the year, but I thought I could help a few times at least.

Late in 2023, the regular Jr. High instructor had me come and meet the eight students he was teaching. The lesson plan he was using would conclude before the end of the year, so he offered for me to take the final four weeks of the year. I volunteered and quickly made up a lesson plan based on Genesis 1-11, the foundation of the Bible.

Week 2 Worksheet
Since my plan hadn't been approved by the church council, I was initially denied to teach. However, after some adjustments and searching through the approved material, I was allowed to go ahead.

I divided the four weeks into large chunks, creation in Genesis 1, the fall of man in Genesis 3, Noah's flood in Genesis 6-9, and the final lesson on Babel in Genesis 11. For each lesson, I included a question from the Heidelberg Catechism and a few to make the students think. One question was if snow was a result of sin. We thought about Adam & Eve's original clothing (nothing), tasks, and food source. From this, we thought snow, or harsh winter conditions, were a result of the fall.

Overall, I think it went well. As I expected, it was hard to get much feedback from the students, but they seemed to catch on. A few times, our class was cut short due to a long worship service. It made it difficult to cover everything, but also made me mindful of my own preaching and not going too long. Today should have been my final week, but the service went so long that Sunday school was canceled. Therefore, I hope to finish everything next week when the year concludes.

If asked, I would be interested in helping again. I submitted a new curriculum to the council to approve for next year, but I am somewhat guessing it won't go through. God may surprise me though and I'll have a new opportunity to help teach the next generation. This week though, I'm scheduled for my fourth grade school visit with one more to go next month. Hopefully it will go well and students will learn about different abilities.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Hair Care Trouble

Every morning, part of my routine is washing my hair. I've heard it should only be done a few times a week, but my greasy hair needs it more often. No matter how frequently I wash, I use a plastic hair basin that lays under my head while I lay flat in bed. Unfortunately, it breaks down after years of use and needs replaced.

My current basin was falling apart and mainly held together by tape. When I went to order a new one, I quickly realized what I had used for decades was no longer in common use. Trying to find the same hardware was a hard search, but I finally found a few retailers that had it available. The first place I used had a great price, but something didn't seem right.

A week later, I hadn't heard anything about my order and started investigating. After emails went without reply, I called the number on the retailer's website and was connected to an individual. She let me know it was a fraudulent company and to cancel any payment. That was done, but I still didn't have a new hair basin.

Therefore, I tried another company that advertised the basin. I did receive an order, but it wasn't the correct item. Investigation showed their supplier had changed products and could no longer get what I wanted. The company nicely refunded my money, but I still didn't have a basin.

Finally, I found a third retailer that advertised the correct basin, but was also the most expensive. Before ordering, I called the provider to check if the item pictured was the correct product. The representative confirmed it was correct, so I ordered. Several days later, I received a box at my door and finally got what I wanted.

Washing hair is something most people don't give much thought. However, living the quad life makes everything more interesting. Hopefully it will be a long time before I need another basin, I'm doubtful what I like will still be available.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Recorded Interview

It has again been a busy week in the quad life with some days making me wonder how to get everything accomplished. One activity this week was not among the ordinary, but is becoming more familiar.

I don't listen to the radio very much. However, some mornings, and when driving to the city, I listen to a Christian radio station in Des Moines, Life 107.1. I don't care for some of the modern Christian music, but I do get a laugh out of two morning show DJ's, Taylor and Jen. They often promote their Saturday morning podcast that features a variety of people that can help listeners in Christian living. I contacted Jen early this year to see if they would be interested in my story and gave her a book. After a lot of schedule planning, I interviewed with them Tuesday afternoon.

Driving to Des Moines, my caregiver and I went through rain that changed to snow, then, ice, slush, and back to rain again. The rapid change in conditions made me wonder if this was what it was like 39 years ago during our accident if I really should be going. Thankfully, we arrived safely at an office building in West Des Moines and found the station's suite.

Interviewing with two people I've never met, and only heard, felt like going into the unknown. I prayed that the time would be glorifying to God and how He has worked in my life. I read a few sections of what I wrote, but made sure to emphasize the blessings I have received.

Unlike my previous radio appearance, this one didn't go out live. It will be edited into a podcast that should release late this month. One request I made was that I could present the gospel and have it in the final product. I'm not sure if I'll get to preview it, but I hope they do keep it in. The station's motto is "always uplifting" and discussing sin and deserving punishment goes against the theme.

This week looks to be a little calmer with fewer excursions. That doesn't mean the busyness is less, but I'm thankful I am able to be used in various roles.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

Today is Easter Sunday. It is one of two Christian holidays that many people go to church, even if they don't the rest of the year. Unfortunately, the true meaning for the celebration has become hidden in other activities.

For much of my life, Easter egg hunts and egg laying rabbits have been associated with Easter. It may be fun to watch kids run around and gather eggs in someone's house or lawn, but it has nothing to do with the holiday. Sadly, even the "church" has forgotten what we celebrate.

After three years of ministering, Jesus was betrayed by one of His disciples and arrested by the Jewish council. In an illegal trial, He was determined to be guilty of blasphemy in claiming Himself as God. Jesus had very clearly demonstrated He was the predicted Messiah to come and was God in flesh. However, He wasn't what the leaders wanted and was turned over to Pontius Pilate.

Pilate found no guilt in Jesus, nothing deserving of death, but he give in to the mob's demand and had Jesus crucified. He died on what's known as Good Friday, and rose again on Easter Sunday.

Studying the Old Testament, it clearly predicted Jesus' life, sacrifice, and resurrection. Jesus was the only good, or perfect, person that has ever lived. His death on the cross paid the debt for sin that no other person ever could. Now, all who repent from sin (lying, theft, hatred, lust, blasphemy, etc.) and trust in Jesus alone for salvation, not our works, will be saved. That is the clear message this world needs and should have been preached from every pulpit this Resurrection Sunday.

Unfortunately, Steven Furtick from Elevation Church, has been recorded as saying he will say nothing of the resurrection or Christ's blood shed for our sins. This has long been a group of people that call themselves a church, but isn't the case at all. Others include Bethel and Hillsong, groups that only teach a feel-good message and not from Scripture.

As you go through this day, be sure to remember why we celebrate and be sure to come to Christ for forgiveness while possible. This week, six people died in a bridge collapse just while doing their regular job. We never know when our time to leave this life will come, and we can't afford to wait or change the message.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Entertaining Week

Most of the time, I am content to entertain myself by watching videos online, reading, or playing a simulator of some sort. This week, I ventured out to other sources of entertainment.

Several years ago, a movie came out called "Genesis: Paradise Lost." It used computer generated content to depict creation week and had several interviews with creation scientists that covered scientific evidence as well as theological concerns. As a follow-up, the next movie is called "The Ark and the Darkness." It was in select theaters on March 20 and 21, I got tickets for the 21st.

My regular day-time caregiver was also interested in going, so she agreed to stay for the evening. At 4:20, when we're usually wrapping up for the day, we pulled out of the driveway and went to Des Moines. It has been years since I have been in a movie theater and, after finding supper, we were in our seats before 7:00.

Wheelchair spots haven't changed, I was still in the third row from the front. However, all the other chairs were leather recliners with elevating legs. It looked pretty comfortable as nearly every seat filled and the movie began. Sitting for the next two hours, it was fun seeing the big screen, but I froze in the cold theater, even with my coat over me.

It wasn't quite what I expected, but it was still good. The CGI was well utilized to depict possible life before the flood as well as some of the flood and ark. Dispersed amongst everything was again extensive discussion on scientific evidence for the global flood. It then transitioned into prophecy in the New Testament that used the flood as an example for future judgment. We were back home again by 10:30 and I was ready to get back in bed and warm-up under the blankets.

Last night, my parents and I went to a local high school play, "To Kill a Mockingbird." The classic book has been placed on the "do not read" shelf by some political groups as being racist. However, it's good to see the students, and our friend's son, depict the story on stage.

This week looks to be another busy one in the quad life with teaching and medical testing. Hopefully all goes well and I look forward to working with more kids.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Vacation Week

I have said before, I am primarily a home body. I am perfectly content to stay around the house or go to attractions and events nearby that don't require much travel. I do enjoy seeing new areas, but hotels are hard for me to use and managing caregivers while away is challenging. Therefore, I haven't been anywhere overnight since my last year at CHAMP Camp in 2019. My parents, however, do like going out on excursions.

This past week was spring break for many schools in the area. My college intern caregiver, Brenda, wasn't planning to do anything during break and volunteered to stay with me in the evenings if my parents wanted to get out. It may have taken 2-3 seconds for them to happily say yes, so my parents went out during spring break.

They left early Tuesday morning, before I got up, and returned Saturday afternoon less than 30 minutes before Brenda was scheduled to leave. That meant Brenda worked four evenings in a row as well as the regular ten-hour shift. This allowed me to have 24-hour care without my parents for over four-and-a-half days.

It has been a busy time for me in various projects, which means I didn't do much out of the ordinary. However, it did allow me to bike five days in a row and be on "my own" again. Mom and I planned meals before she left so that Brenda and I mainly just needed to thaw frozen meat a few times and put together whatever was planned. Just the two of us didn't eat much, which made for plenty of leftover choices for Saturday night.

Brenda will be graduating soon and plans to return to her home in Arizona to continue her education. Therefore, these extended times of freedom will soon be gone again. I'm thankful for the time we do get and the relaxation it gives to everyone.

It looks like another busy week ahead which started by preaching this morning. The quad life continues through every day and I'm thankful for the blessings God has given.