Monday, March 3, 2014

Ark Encounter

I follow the ministry Answers in Genesis (AiG) closely, as evidenced by the number of times I've linked to them and talked about them before. They are a Bible confirming ministry that works to show how we can trust God's Word from the very first verse. Living in the United States, it's very easy to see how the country is rapidly getting away from its Christian roots. AiG teaches, through many books, videos, and lectures, how what we see around us confirms God's Word, despite what mainstream science tells us.

To aid in this teaching, AiG opened the Creation Museum near Cincinnati, Ohio a few years ago. It's a place I hope to visit some day, but I may want to wait a couple years. Last week, it was announced that AiG has received enough in donations to start building the Ark Encounter; an attraction showing a full size ark as Noah was commanded to build. Just as Noah and his family had enter through the ark's door to be saved from the flood, we must now enter into into salvation through Jesus.

This new attraction is expected to have nearly two million people visit in its first year. As this nation continues to slide down the path of destruction, I pray these two Bible confirming attractions will help tend the tide. An article I read today shows just how far we have come full circle since the founding of the nation.

The Romeike family came to the US from Germany in order to home school their six kids from a Christian perspective. However, the Obama administration has now cancelled their asylum and will likely begin deportation proceedings soon.

At one time, people came to the United States for religious freedom. Now, Christian's are suppressed more and more while the religion of humanism (atheism) is allowed to spread. The land of Israel was once God's chosen nation, but they repeatedly rebelled against God until He finally gave them over to destruction. I pray that this nation will wake up before we are called to give an account for our actions.

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