Sunday, April 10, 2022

Up and Down Week

Every week has its own share of good and bad points, but the past seven days have been a bit of a roller coaster. Unfortunately, it has some more time to go until we can get off the ride.

For the past several weeks, my dad and I have been attending a Bible study on creation apologetics most Sunday evenings. Regular attendees have been providing supper before the study time begins and my family served deconstructed tacos last week. Mom made the majority of the meal, for over 40 people, and had quite a lot of work to get it accomplished.

She wasn't feeling well at the beginning of the week and continued to get worse. On Friday, I was scheduled to speak to college students in Des Moines, but mom also needed help with medical tests. I warned the instructor I may need to delay, but was hoping I could still come. Thursday afternoon, I received a call my family has been waiting months to hear.

My day caregiver Sara was released to return to work, and drive. She could therefore work Friday with me and dad would be free to help mom. God's timing always works out, but it can be hard to wait sometimes. Friday morning, Sara and I headed to the city to get paperwork from one of my doctors and lead class.

Spring has been very slow to come in Iowa and the day was quite windy, cold, and had times of sleet and snow. It wasn't fun getting in and out of the van multiple times, but it worked. The class of respiratory therapy students also went well and it was great to return to in-class teaching again. 

Once we returned home, mom still wasn't feeling well and it looks like she'll need a medical procedure done soon. Dad will have more work in helping both mom and I for a while, but I'm thankful that my day hours will now be covered again.

Through all the years, mom and I have become very familiar with medical situations. I'm thankful God has provided us excellent care and given exactly what we need. I pray for healing for mom that she can soon fill well and return to regular activities. Until then, and after, I rely on God's lead and to serve Him where I can.

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