Sunday, May 22, 2022

Vacation Week

Iowa weather, like much of the country, has been up and down again this week. While my parents were gone, I had the air conditioner on early in the week and had trouble with over heating. Yesterday, I switched back to the furnace with indoor temps struggling to stay above 70.

When setting up my caregiver schedule, I was careful to arrange it so that I had someone every day that could get me on my exercise bike. Therefore, I had a new record of biking six days in a row. I wasn't able to record everything to the bike's database, but the sessions did at least happen.

I wasn't sure how my body would react to all the exercise, but it went pretty well. Monday through Thursday, my legs peddled for 3-4 minutes on their own each time, but only a little over two minutes on Friday. I thought maybe they had given up working, but then did over eight minutes on Saturday. I never know what to expect from my body, but I'm thankful I could have a new record of consecutive rides. This week, I will likely only get to bike once, if even that much.

It was nice having the house to myself again for the week and to see my parents have a break. The college student I have had this year offered to stay in town for an additional week after school to allow my parents to go. Now, she will not be in Iowa for most of the summer and we'll be back to a few open hours every week. Thankfully though, I am very blessed to have as many hours covered as I do.

Yesterday, I was reading a friend's comments on Facebook about caregiver experience. She, and her son, both need some assistance and rely on help. My friend had four interviews scheduled this past week with some perspectives not showing up and others declining the position an hour after being accepted. One accepted the position, trained for the job, but then didn't come for her first shift and blocked any contact.

Living the quad life has it's challenges in multiple areas. While I don't know what to expect next, I'm comforted knowing God is in control.

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