Sunday, July 28, 2024

Who is in Control?

Over the past few weeks, we have seen news stories about changes in the world around us. First, we had a presidential debate where the current President clearly showed he did not know what was going on around him. Then, there was the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Next, President Biden resigned from running for reelection. Most recently, the opening of the Olympics mocked the Lord's supper and drag queens were shown dancing with children.

Some people have been perplexed at the rate of change and are wondering who is in control of the United States and what is going on in the world? It is no secret that the last 15 or so years have seen a drastic shift away from conservative values and more toward Marxism and sexual freedom.

For the past four years, many have speculated that president Biden is not in control of the country and is just a figurehead. We still don't know who has been giving directions, but it was made obvious during the debate it isn't him. This has resulted in the latest withdrawal for a presidential candidate in history. Even though she has not received any official votes, it is presumed the wildly unpopular and very liberal Vice President Harris will now be the nominee.

In Romans 1, we read what happens to a nation, or people, that are under God's judgment. For a few generations, the western world has rejected God by saying everything exists just by chance and that life is just an accident and not special. These areas of thinking have resulted in evolutionary teaching as fact and abortion killing millions of babies in the womb. For this, God has given many over to a debased mind with the spread of homosexuality, transgenderism, and all the associated problems with these movements. The display at the opening of the Olympics is a sign of the age.

Revelation 17:14 and 19:16 reminds us that God is the King of kings and Lord of Lords. Everyone will answer to Him upon our death and He rules over all of creation. Christians need to be bold in exclaiming Christ and His law to show the need for repentance. This is our only, and best, assurance we can ever have and know that whatever happens in the world, God is in control.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Friday Exploration

Another Friday has come and gone, which means further adventures on the roads of southeast Iowa. I have heard many tales, but none too tall, about a few places my parents visit in the tiny towns of Douds and Cantril. I visited them both once before, but they were part of our trip this week.

According to my watch, Douds, IA took just over an hour to reach after leaving home. The town doesn't boast much for tourist attractions except for one restaurant, the Lunch Box Cafe.

Image from Google
The Cafe is only open three days a week and the person who greets you, and takes your order, is Pastor Phil. He has been preaching for 40 years to a small congregation that meets over three miles down a dusty rock road. However, he remembers names and greeted dad, by name, even after a few months away.

Parking by a table in a corner, waiting for our order, I looked around and let my eyes feast on a smorgasbord of signs and nick-knacks. Some had political messages, while others denoted unique events in history. One said that on that spot long ago a one-time event happened in history, a husband won an argument. After dining on our cuisine, and getting acquainted with the Pastor, we headed further east to the Dutchman's Store in Cantril.

It had been about two years since my last visit, but it hadn't changed much and was still a very unique store. Several small shops have been purchased over the years and morphed into one building that now covers an entire block. You can get everything from clothing, fabric supplies, toys, books, and a plethora of grocery items that aren't available elsewhere. The area has a large number of Amish and the store carries merchandise of interest for them as well. We picked up several items on our list, as well as a few extras, before returning west.

Last week Friday, I had an all-day meeting that dad accompanied me to and didn't allow for shopping. Therefore, we stopped at three more stores before finally returning home nearly ten hours after we left. It was a long day of adventure that included two nights (Friday and Saturday) without a nurse. Saturday was a tired day in the quad family life with today not much better. Next time, we have noted to curtail our stops if we head out to locations further away.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Learning Hybrid Control

Last week, I had my annual visit to the dentist. The dental hygienist said everything looked good, but the dentist had a concern. After an x-ray, his thought was confirmed that one of my front teeth is absorbing the root. This is the same thing that happened in 2019 when I finally ended up with an implant in spring 2020.

For now, all is fine as I'm not having any pain. However, I'll likely need more intervention by next year if nothing changes. The doctor said my tooth problem is probably due to decades of using my mouth stick and having extra wear. Therefore, I've taken up a project to learn a hybrid approach for computer control.

Apple computer's operating system has voice control built-in, I just haven't used it. After my appointment, I briefly read about the voice option and activated it. Since then, I have been attempting to use it for regular tasks and decrease my stick use.

So far, I've used it to open and close programs, some mouse work, and dictation. Programs have done pretty well, but some that I regularly use don't seem to register. Reading is easier as I can just say "scroll down" and it automatically moves. Dictation isn't as bad as I expected, but still not great.

Trying to learn voice software while doing school work is not the best idea. Saying short phrases are better, but not single words. Trying to delete words sometimes works, but I often resort to just correcting with my stick. 

An issue we're learning though is to pay attention to what I say. Using a voice monitor, my parents hear me say scroll down, they hear I need to go down. So, I'm trying to pronounce more clearly and ask for help with more volume. I also need to drink more, which causes other needs.

Living the quad life has unusual challenges. I hope this hybrid method will help my teeth, but I don't see me completely switching to voice, at least not yet.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Independent and Dependent

A few days ago, America celebrated Independence Day. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was ratified and signed. It declared the 13 US colonies to be free from rule of any other country and govern itself. One of the original intentions of this new nation was to allow freedom of religion, and not to have one belief forcibly put on citizens.

Many of the guides written in the constitution were based on Christian principals and that all people were endowed with certain right by their Creator. One pastor was concerned about a particular Christian denomination would be required, but a letter by the President guaranteed the government would be separate from the church. This worked well for over a century, but it has been changing over the last few decades.

As Darwin helped popularize evolution, the church slowly lost influence in the US and other countries. If life was just random and a lucky accident, it wasn't important and could be done away with. Therefore, the rise of abortion and euthanasia followed as well as no longer following God's rules for marriage. Now, instead of being independent from foreign rule, America wants to be independent from God.

Public education that once included Bible reading, now does not let a divine foot in the door. Instead it teaches the opposite and reinforces that life isn't special and to do whatever makes you happy. Workers that actually work are getting harder to find as young people feel they are just owed an allowance.

Just as the Old and New Testament shows, countries that rejected God were soon rejected by Him. Romans 1 gives an example of what society looks like when this happens and looks very familiar to the modern world. May we remember that it is through God that we live, move, and have our very being. It is due to His grace alone that we have air to breathe and even our next heart beat.

I pray that God will sen His workers out into the world, including the quad life. It is only be remembering or dependence on God that we will be able to stay independent of oppressive rule.