Sunday, July 28, 2024

Who is in Control?

Over the past few weeks, we have seen news stories about changes in the world around us. First, we had a presidential debate where the current President clearly showed he did not know what was going on around him. Then, there was the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Next, President Biden resigned from running for reelection. Most recently, the opening of the Olympics mocked the Lord's supper and drag queens were shown dancing with children.

Some people have been perplexed at the rate of change and are wondering who is in control of the United States and what is going on in the world? It is no secret that the last 15 or so years have seen a drastic shift away from conservative values and more toward Marxism and sexual freedom.

For the past four years, many have speculated that president Biden is not in control of the country and is just a figurehead. We still don't know who has been giving directions, but it was made obvious during the debate it isn't him. This has resulted in the latest withdrawal for a presidential candidate in history. Even though she has not received any official votes, it is presumed the wildly unpopular and very liberal Vice President Harris will now be the nominee.

In Romans 1, we read what happens to a nation, or people, that are under God's judgment. For a few generations, the western world has rejected God by saying everything exists just by chance and that life is just an accident and not special. These areas of thinking have resulted in evolutionary teaching as fact and abortion killing millions of babies in the womb. For this, God has given many over to a debased mind with the spread of homosexuality, transgenderism, and all the associated problems with these movements. The display at the opening of the Olympics is a sign of the age.

Revelation 17:14 and 19:16 reminds us that God is the King of kings and Lord of Lords. Everyone will answer to Him upon our death and He rules over all of creation. Christians need to be bold in exclaiming Christ and His law to show the need for repentance. This is our only, and best, assurance we can ever have and know that whatever happens in the world, God is in control.

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