Sunday, August 4, 2024

Do I Decide when to Wake Up?

Living the quad life means relying on various service providers. It seems that most, if not all, require regular question sessions. For my night nurses, their company supervisor visits every 60 days to go over my medical needs. The same happens with the person that officially supervises my day-time providers, who also comes every other week for monitoring. This past Thursday, I had my annual interview with the Medicaid representative.

No matter the length between sessions, very little tends to change. My medications may adjust slightly, but that's about it. Therefore, it would make sense to primarily copy the previous answers from my last interview. Unfortunately, not much in the medical field goes with common sense and the same questions are asked almost every time.

Thursday, some of the inquiries were about how much I do for household chores. I have yet to figure out how to roll up to a window and have a long enough stick in order to clean it. Vacuuming is also a job that power wheelchairs have yet to master. I suppose that a battery powered suction unit could be attached as well as a place to hold debris, but I haven't gotten around to inventing it. Therefore, I had to say that I don't do any household cleaning.

This particular interview also seemed to ask a lot about my mental abilities. I'm not sure if they think I'm old enough to start losing my acuity, but it was a source of several queries. One question was if I choose when to wake up. That morning, I had to have my night nurse get me up before he left and I did not have anyone during the day. Getting up at 6:30 in the morning what isn't really what I would have decided, but it is what was necessary.

After an hour long interview, everything was complete and the answers will be evaluated to determine what level of care I need. Hopefully nothing will change, or I may end up like last year with a decrease in hours that then needs corrected. Thankfully, I should have about a month until my next evaluation. At least they don't require much studying before hand!

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