Sunday, August 11, 2024

When Online Meets Reality

For the past few months, I have been going through an online course about expository preaching. I have completed my three book quizzes and observations of the assigned text, but it is now crunch time. I need to write my sermon manuscript and get it evaluated so I can preach it on September 1 for my final assignment and hopefully complete the course successfully.

The weeks have gone by quickly and I am feeling much more stress than usual in preparing this message and covering all the required points. Therefore, for breaks while I'm flat, I have been watching someone who goes by the name "FarmerCurt95." Curt plays various games on the Twitch platform and provides some humor, as well as occasional annoyances. If he or his friends get out of line in their speech, I'm usually the one to point it out and correct them. I have watched Curt, and co-horts, for a few years and we somewhat know each other.

Curt lives in South Dakota, but comes to my area of Iowa for a few days every year to watch sprint-car racing. Last year, we concluded that we should try to meet in person sometime when he came back. Well, that happened on Thursday at a local coffee shop.

Meeting with someone you've only previously known virtually is somewhat fun and awkward at the same time. Most conversations relate to whatever game is being played and offering helpful hints, like slowing down and not running vehicles into objects. Other topics do arise though and the group knows I'm a Christian and quadriplegic with extra standards and challenges.

I was somewhat concerned about what we could discuss in person, but I talked more about my history and heard what Curt and his girlfriend do in their area. I was not silent about faith and gave them a few comical gospel tracts that also present the need for repentance and trusting in God alone. I was prepared for an in-depth conversation, but they took everything well. As this blog comes out, Curt and his group of seven should be heading home.

Living the quad life often means few friends or social interaction. However, utilizing various forms of social media have expanded possibilities. I pray I can continue to be a Christian influence in any circumstance and share enjoyment in some activities. Now, it's time to return to sermon preparations.

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