Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Well-Used Bible

Most weeks are relatively similar with not much change. However, big changes can occur quickly as well and make us stop and reflect.

In late November 2019, as most Americans celebrated Thanksgiving, my family finished funeral plans for my last living grandfather. Since then, I have had both of my grandmothers remaining for guidance from their generation. On Wednesday morning, my mom's mother passed away at the age of 94.

Grandma lived ten years after grandpa died, having been married for 63 years. She has looked forward to moving on from this world into her heavenly home for a while, and gave instructions for her relatives on memorial plans.

Therefore, my mom and I have been looking through hand-written notes, with excellent penmanship, of Bible verses and other items. All of these small pieces of paper are contained in a very well-used Bible. Many pages are crinkled and the cover, held together with packing tape, has likely been long detached from the pages it contains. I learned that grandma got another copy of Scripture just a few years ago so the font would be larger and the book more presentable for group study.

It has been said that a well-used Bible lives in the home of a studied Christian. Grandma did know Scripture well, and I can imagine how many hours, likely years, were spent in this copy of God's Word. Through good times, she likely read Psalms of praise, but also gained strength and guidance during troubling situations.

With books available in electronic forms, many people now reference Scripture with the swipe of a finger or clicking a few keys. The text is the same and it continues to offer training and assurance just like printed Bibles. However, something is different and it cannot give the same visual confirmation of use. Living the quad life, I do utilize electronic versions of Scripture, but still look forward to my nightly reading of physical copies and getting my "hands" in God's Word.

Giving part of tomorrow's eulogy is an honor that I had hoped to be blessed to give. However, I give thanks for the life of a Godly grandmother and that she now fully experiences what God told her through a well-used Bible.

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