Sunday, November 15, 2015

Planet Earth

A few years ago, the Discovery Channel had a series called Earth. I have seen it before, but I put the series on my list for Netflix. The first DVD came last week and I watched the initial three episodes.

The high definition video really makes you feel like you are seeing different areas of the world through your own eyes. As each show focuses on one particular area or theme, you get to see the complexity of nature and the beauty of creation. As a Christian, I marvel at God's creative work and the world He has given us.

Of course the narrator attributes everything to occurring slowly over millions of years and just being a byproduct of chance. Looking at the world from a Biblical standpoint, I see stark evidence of the flood in Noah's day and the results being displayed in geology.

In one show, we're told how the Colorado River slowly carved out the Grand Canyon, but it's not today. As was evident after the Mount Saint Helen's eruption, a release of a lot of water can easily create a canyon in just a few hours. The Grand Canyon is a result of this with water collecting as the flood subsided.

With all the beauty of the earth, a lot of it is also ugly and cruel. Another scene showed wild dogs hunting prey and devouring their catch. Thanks to the entrance of sin, our paradise was lost and along with its remaining elegance, much pain exists.

As you go around your part of the planet, look for special parts of creation that God has given us to enjoy. It can be a challenge at times, but it is always there. Living the quad life often forces me to have to go slower than I would like, but it gives opportunity to look and see the world around me in its majesty and malignant.

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