Monday, November 30, 2015

Thankful 15

Last week, the United States stopped for our annual day of giving thanks. Some people were thankful to stand in a line to get bargains. but many observed the day for its intended purpose. When we stop and think, there are many reasons we can give thanks. Since we are nearing the end of 2015, I thought I would find 15 reasons to be thankful. In no particular order, they are:
Thankful for birthday gifts.
  1. The sacrifice of God's Son for the forgiveness of my sins.
  2. Parents that help me with every part of life.
  3. Caregivers that also help me with everything and give my parents rest.
  4. Living in a country where I can freely worship God as a Christian.
  5. A warm home to live in outside of a care facility.
  6. Good health, at least for a guy who isn't breathing independently and has multiple holes in his butt.
  7. Being able to do at least some work
  8. Technology that allows me to communicate with people wherever they live.
  9. Wheelchair that functions well and allows me to get out and be active
  10. Diaphragm pacemaker (and vent) that have provided me air for so many years.
  11. Living at a time where I can access most places I want to go and participate in the community.
  12. Friends that I can easily talk to and share absolutely everything I'm going through.
  13. Having a reliable vehicle that allows me to easily travel anywhere I need to go.
  14. Worshiping in an active church where I am able to serve God.
  15. Technology that allows my body to do more than I expected.
  16. Another year of experiencing God's blessings.
The last one is for looking toward another year of the quad life. This list doesn't even begin to include items like being able to experience God's creation with sight and sound and much more. As you reflect on Thanksgiving leftovers, see if you can make a list of 15 items, plus one for the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. Good list Joel. I am blessed to be able to say I can echo much of your list. You said in no particular order, but I believe number one is NUMBER ONE for us both, and it results in the gift of heaven! And the best part is for anyone else reading this, is that it can be true for you too (if it's not already).
