Sunday, January 17, 2016


The cold streak is continuing this weekend in Iowa. With temps just above 0 and wind chills well below, I didn't dare venture out today. So that means all weekend has been spent with my computer. That's not unusual, but yesterday added a twist.

About 2:00 in the afternoon, my Internet stopped working. It's not too uncommon, but usually just restarting the modem gets everything going again. Unfortunately, it didn't make any difference. Two hours later, it was still off.

Multi-tasking farming
I placed a call to my provider and the automated answer said their was an outage in my area, but it would be working by 6:00. The hour came and went with no change and service wasn't restored until this morning. As a webmaster, I depend on a good connection for work, but I use it for much more as well.

When I'm flat, I often watch YouTube or watch videos on Amazon. With no Internet, this wasn't an option and neither were most of my games. I could play Farm Sim 15 though and watch movies that are on my hard drive.

You don't realize how dependent you are something until it's suddenly taken away. I was somewhat disappointed in myself to see how much I felt like I was missing out on something. As a child, before computers were easily accessible, I watched T.V. almost all the time. I was reliant on it for entertainment, but I did also play with Lego and toy farm machinery. Times have changed so that now I barely watch the actual T.V., I have Internet instead.

My lesson this weekend was to be careful not to be too dependent on any one thing. All we can truly depend on is God's leading and knowing that He will never forsake us. I'll see what lessons come next week in the Quad Life.

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