Monday, November 7, 2016

Time for Pause

A post I put on Facebook four years ago popped up this weekend as a memory. In it, I listed 1 Timothy 2:1-2 "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

Last week, two police officers were killed in Des Moines just while sitting in their cars. Unfortunately, this is not a new occurrence as it has been happening all over the country. We have gone away from praying for those in authority, or even respecting them.

With elections tomorrow, we need to be praying that godly men and women are elected in every position. Whoever does win, those persons still need prayers to faithfully serve in their office. Normally, I often think of federal and state officials, but church yesterday also reminded us to pray for those serving in the county and city levels.

It gets very difficult to remember to pray encouragingly when our leaders make decisions that go against God's Word. I think these times are when it's needed the most, that errors would be overturned and the person who made the ruling return to God's direction for his or her own life.

Tomorrow night, I don't think I'm planning to watch the news much if at all. Polls won't be completely in until after I want to be asleep, so I'll learn Wednesday morning who our new leaders will be. At this point, I can be thankful for the freedom to vote, and pray all votes are counted accurately and recorded honestly.

This next week in the quad life will continue to be busy and require prayer. I will see what direction God not only takes our country, but the state and local area as well.

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