Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Health Advice

It frequently seems that people are quick to give health advice, whether it's wanted or not. News sites and magazines say don't eat this or that because it either makes you gain weight, causes cancer, or both! If we followed every piece of advice given, I don't think there would be enough time in the day to eat everything recommended and then do the required exercise and rest.

However, there are people in some fields of health that are experts and can truly offer good advice. As someone who knows certain areas very well, I'm going to give one recommendation for everyone. My advice is simple, don't break your neck.

Granted, if you go against my advice, you do have some perks. When they're available, you can get parking right up front at most buildings. If you have a day of strolling about, like at the state fair or somewhere else, your legs won't get tired. There are also cool systems available that allow you to work a television just with your voice and open doors without lifting a finger. If you have kids, you always have a handy wheelchair for them to hang bags from or sit on your lap for a break.

Unfortunately, it's not all perks either. This week started out finding more paperwork trails that need to be done to keep funding in place. If your aide is sick and can't come for some reason, then your plans for the day are gone as well as that of your immediate family that steps in to help. Then there are also the minor annoyances of not being to feed or groom yourself or any of the other daily routines of life.

If you're like me though and have been granted a gift of a spinal cord injury, it's not the end of the world. Through the abilities and knowledge God has given those around me I'm still able to serve Him and keep active. Some days, or weeks, aren't much fun but with most things in the quad life, it too shall pass.

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