Sunday, December 16, 2018

Looking Back

I like getting notes at Christmas with updates on what my friends and family have done throughout the year. Now that most people use social media to connect nearly every minute of the day, letters are pretty rare.

Around 2007, I started doing my own annual review and then send it out by email and make it available on Facebook. So I guess I do a hybrid of sending out letters and updating online. I spent a few days this past week getting this year's reflection complete and sent out.

Paying web development work has decreased again this year so that I'm now down to only two regular active clients. Half of them are volunteer, so I only end up officially working a little over an hour per month.

However, in 2018 I have preached eight times, spoke at five grade schools, six college classes, and the Iowa Lung Conference. Where one form of work is decreasing, another is increasing. I did not plan it that way, but I trust God's leading in every aspect.

Also this year, I was able to make two trips, one to camp and another to the Louisville, KY area. My pressure sore didn't do well with the increased activity, but at least I could go and enjoy these times. The sores are improving, so they at least weren't brought to the point of no return.

This year I also saw the passing of other quads, a camper graduate, and several in the hospital with serious problems. I'm thankful to have had only one hospital stay this calendar year and to have pretty good health (at least for a guy who isn't breathing).

It has been a year of blessings, along with a few frustrations. The last few weeks of the year can get pretty hectic with Christmas and New Year celebrations, but I'm looking forward to them and what may be ahead. I never quite know what to expect living the quad life, but it's rarely boring at least. With just over a week to Christmas, I look forward to final preparations ahead.

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