Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sick Week

The flu has been going around southern Iowa with quite a few people ill. On March 4, my primary night nurse left early due to not feeling well and was gone for a week. March 8 had the same with my main day nurse leaving early and has been gone all week. Despite having the flu shot, I started having trouble Sunday.

It was finally decent weather, so I was able to go to church. However, it was too cold to go barefoot so as I sat in church, my arms and legs spasmed frequently. Halfway through the service, I could feel junk in my lungs that needed suctioned out. It's rather disruptive for me to leave during the message though, so I made it wait. The minister seemed to go on for quite a while, but I was thankful to get home. By then though, my lungs were already hurting.

Suctioning increased substantially the next few days along with temperature fluctuations, sore lungs, and congested nose. This week has made me both thankful and regretful to be using the diaphragm pacemaker as well. As stiff as my lungs have been, I know from experience that my regular ventilator would have had a difficult time giving me air. That quickly causes issues, but thankfully the pacemaker works differently and I still breathe. However, my clogged sinuses make pulling air in very hard.

Trying to breathe through what feels like glue in my nose has made me wonder about the vent again, but that would be more problems with my trach button. Thankfully, if I have a spasm, it sometimes helps partially clear my nose (I don't why, but it does). I've had my nurses and parents help move me more to cause spasms so I can hopefully breathe better.

My doctor assigned an antibiotic Wednesday along with Tylenol, Mucinex-D, and my regular meds. Friday prompted a change since my stomach started issues, but they have decreased. The pharmacy flowing through my body seems to be helping, but I'm still going from feeling okay one minute to lousy a short time later.

I'm thankful for the gifts God has given in the forms of medications and technology like the pacemaker. I look forward to returning to the regular quad life as well as sleep this week.

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