Sunday, February 6, 2022

Full First week for February

Much of the time, it seems like one week is a repeat of the previous. However, they do change every so often, sometimes for better or worse. This past week did have quieter laundry, but that wasn't the only thing to report.

Brenda, my new assistant, had her first days of working with me on her own. My parents were also around, but they primarily ignored us and were only around if needed. Brenda is a college Sophomore that will soon celebrate a birthday to be out of her teens. For experience, she has worked in a nursing home for a few months as a CNA.

I have reminded myself a few times that Brenda is the right age to be my daughter if I had gotten married shortly after high school and had kids by age 21. Every time she has been here, I've been extremely impressed by her ability to learn and jump into her role. Multiple times, Brenda has been shown a procedure she hasn't even seen before, and is doing it on her own after 1-2 demonstrations. God has blessed my family tremendously with her and I look forward to helping her gain experience. When Brenda starts to actually learn hands-on care in three years, she will be very far ahead of her peers.

With Brenda working a day and a half and my other day nurse volunteering to work extra, I had 4.5 out my regular five days covered. This was another blessing in disguise as Wednesday, my maternal grandmother had some medical difficulties and had to go to the hospital. My parents were thankfully able to help and not need to stay home with me. Grandma is still being observed and waiting to decide on what's next, but is improving.

I didn't have a nurse part of Friday night or at all last night, but those will hopefully be the only open night shifts this month. The last few months have been a struggle in the quad life, but I'm always thankful to look back on God's timing and how He has arranged everything. This week looks to be a welcome warming trend for a few days and I'll be busy with a project. I'll wait and see what comes after another seven days have gone.

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