Sunday, February 20, 2022

Zombie Week

In my last entry, I said my night nurse would be off and I didn't know what would be covered. Unfortunately, my other caregiver has not been able to take anything extra. It has been a long week of many short nights.

Last weekend was covered, Friday-Sunday, but that was it until Friday. Now, we're in a six night stretch with no help again until next Friday. Thankfully, days were basically covered last week and my parents and I could get a bit of a rest. Tomorrow is the last shift for my day-time assistant until she gets back from vacation in March. Therefore, I'll only have my new student nurse that can only do 1.5 days a week.

We adjusted some of my care schedules so dad can get to bed by 9:00 every evening. Mom and I stay up until around 1:30 in the morning when he gets up and takes over. When he and I finish my bed-time routine, it's a little after 2:00 when I get turned and can attempt to sleep. On days with a nurse, dad goes to work at 7:00 and my morning routine starts at 7:30-8:00.

When it's only a single day, or maybe two, we can manage pretty well. This has been a long stretch to not have anyone though and this coming week will be worse. From around 9:00-11:00, I feel like I'm in a daze and start to doze off if I'm not doing something active. I have tried to nap in the afternoon, but I am usually thinking about everything I should be doing and can't rest very much. My parents are also starting to look like the same daze and also keep working and managing the house.

Times like this really make you appreciate the gifts you have. I know other families that only have a few hours per day of coverage, if even that. These two weeks, if not longer, have given us a small taste of what they experience. Today marks 37 years since entering the quad life and, looking back, I am very thankful for everything God has allowed me to do and the abundance of blessings He has given.

As you go through this coming week, be extra mindful of what blessings you have been given and be sure to give thanks. Even what we take for granted, like vision, hearing, and breathing, can be taken away in an instant. Even short reminders make us appreciate what we have.


  1. Whatever thing you have to do isn't as important as your health. If you have the chance to take a nap during the day you should forget about everything and sleep.

    1. Forgetting or not thinking about something is the hard part, day or night.
