Sunday, March 27, 2022

Remembering Friends

The more years God gives a person, the more people you encounter and may get to know well. With social media, the circle of friends with similar interests can get even larger. I have written before about meeting others with spinal cord injuries (SCI) in this manner and getting to know them well. One such friend was William (Bill) Miller from Florida.

Bill was a fellow vent-dependent quadriplegic due to an accident in college. He and I initially connected through an online forum for people with SCI. When I started researching about the diaphragm pacemaker, Bill looked into it for himself as well. We had similar lists of pros and cons for switching, but concluded it would be good to try. I had successful surgery for it in November 2010, but Bill's implant procedure a few months later didn't work.

While we had similar physical needs, it wasn't all we shared in common. I don't remember the exact year, but Bill and I did an annual Bible reading plan together. It was the first time he had read the Bible completely from front to back and I enjoyed helping answer his questions. It was the first time I had the opportunity to do such a study with anyone and it helped form my thoughts for helping others.

For the last few years, Bill and I have been comparing notes on writing our own books. I let him approve the portion where he is mentioned in mine and I read where he talked about me in his. I have known many fellow quads over the years, but Bill was the one I probably talked with the most frequently. Scrolling through Facebook this past Thursday, I saw that Bill died on March 22. It was a surprise to see, especially since we had last talked in late February and he was doing well.

In August, Bill would have been 25 years post injury, I'm 37. For the past few years, several of my quad friends have died. It's part of living the quad life, but it still doesn't get easier. I'm thankful for all the years God has given me, but I still always wonder why I have been blessed with so many more than others. When my time does come, I also wonder if the friends I have made, but never met in person, will know that I'm gone.

No matter what the future holds, however long we're given, be sure to live according to God's will. We never know what tomorrow will bring, or if it will even come, and we need to always keep this in mind and be prepared.


  1. Joel, this just breaks my heart as I think of all those you have impacted by your testimony, yet all the friends you have lost. You will have a huge welcoming when you meet them all in heaven someday!

  2. Joel, this just breaks my heart as I think of all those you have impacted by your testimony, yet all the friends you have lost. You will have a huge welcoming when you meet them all in heaven someday!
