Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Narrow Road

The last two weeks, I helped two congregations by preaching God's Word. Today was a week off, but I didn't have a nurse last night and won't again tonight. It's a tiring end and beginning to a week, but thankfully it doesn't happen every week.

I watched a Christian news segment recently that cited a study that found only 37% of American pastors have a Biblical worldview. It's a very saddening statistic to see, but I'm unfortunately not very surprised by it. In just the past few decades that I have seen compromise of Biblical authority continue to increase at an alarming rate.

First, as the study found, few pastors take the opening 11 chapters of Genesis as actual history. Many church leaders allow for secular, atheistic, science to dictate earth history instead of staying with recent creation in six days as the Bible clearly shows. If a foundation of a book is no longer considered true, then why should the rest be trusted?

That is what has been happening and why churches are not standing on the Bible's definition of marriage between one man and woman. The consequences of sinning against God are also downplayed with some congregations saying to just be a good person (even though Jesus said nobody is good, except God). With so few ministers believing the Bible, it is no surprise that church congregations are also compromised.

In this past week, I have been saddened to see some of my friends treat God like some sort of divine butler, demanding what they want. Another professes Christ, but speech and actions show a different profession. Finally, one close friend looking to disregard many clear teachings in Scripture to look at going to another faith.

The words Jesus spoke in Matthew 7:13-14 keep resounding in my mind, narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and few find it. I continue to pray and share what I can with those around me, but my heart still breaks and I wish I could do more. Thankfully, I  have been given an active quad life that I can still be used for however God chooses.

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