Sunday, July 24, 2022

Black Button

For the last few months, I have been having trouble with my trach button putting out a lot of junk. I have written about it earlier, but once again had it looked at this week.

Tuesday afternoon, I went to see my ENT in Des Moines. Even though testing said I didn't have an infection in the area, I still wondered if that was the problem. When I saw the doctor and repeated what has been happening and my thoughts, he was certain the issue is coming from granulation tissue. That is small skin growth, or skin tags, around the button trying to close the hole and response to the plastic button.

I eat a lot of protein and take medication to promote skin growth in order to heal my pressure sores. Unfortunately, it appears a necessary hole in my skin is quicker to repair than the area I want to target.

This doctor is also knew to me, replacing my previous ENT who left to work over seas in 2021. Therefore, I try to emphasize my history and previous trouble with infection in the area. No matter my concerns, he took several swabs of silver nitrate to zap all skin tags, just as he did in May. This resulted in a black ring around my button that I was told not to touch for a few days. I would post a picture, but it wasn't a pleasant sight.

Returning home, I made sure to pass along the instructions to my next caregiver and wear a shirt with a very low neck. The treatment also made my neck, and throat, sore which made me try to minimize movement and speech as much as possible.

By Thursday, I allowed my button to gently be cleaned and remove the blackness. The area was still sore, but it looked better at least. It is now Saturday afternoon as I write this and it appears the treatment has helped some, but still not as much as I had hoped. I am scheduled to preach next Sunday and hope to wear one of my new shirts I recently purchased. However, I don't want neck gunk on it the first time it's worn.

Thankfully, I have been blessed with a very healthy quad life and have had relatively few problems. I know this is an issue other quadriplegics regular deal with, but I'm praying it will not become something that's a regular battle. I will see what God has planned and look to Him for whatever comes.

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