Sunday, July 31, 2022

Preaching to Self

When I'm witnessing to someone one-on-one, leading a church service, or making a video, it is easy to cover the Ten Commandments to show a need for salvation. However, some habits or personal actions also break the commands in ways we don't recognize as easily. Tonight, I'm scheduled to lead a church service and will be preaching on one of these common problems. With this message, I'm also preaching to myself as well as those listening.

James 3:1-12 (and more passages) talks about taming the tongue; that it is a restless evil full of deadly poison. With the tongue, we praise God as well as curse men who have been made in God's image (anyone). Directly or indirectly, we break at least six of the Ten Commandments by not holding our tongue. It is something a lot of people struggle with, and I'm not any better.

I know that when an accusation is directed toward me, or a blatantly false statement is made against God's Word, I am quick to respond. Instead of being quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19), I answer without always giving thought and may sin in my anger (Ephesians 4:26). It is a trait that I, and many people, need to constantly work on and continue to fight against.

Another item that is similar is the sin of pride. As I said earlier, when someone talks against me, pride in my heart want to lash out. A few nights ago, I finished reading the book of Job. Every time I read this part of the Bible, it reminds me of how pride can dwell within us. God said Job was a righteous man, but allowed him to be tested. As Job's friends talked with him, he demanded to speak with God and have Him answer Job's accusations. When God did speak with Job, he humbled himself and repented in dust an ashes.

As part of avoiding pride, I try not to promote myself as doing anything special. In truth, I'm not doing anything beyond what God has commanded all Christians. Therefore, it doesn't deserve to be mentioned or given special recognition for all to see. That's why I do very little advertising of my channels and some are surprised they even exist.

Throughout this week, and new month, I will try to follow what I have been given to preach. It is a part to learn in the quad life, but something I need to continue to work on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not christian, but I like the book of Job. It's the first one I read, and I did it out of curiosity, after watching your video about it. You are special Joel, you do a great job with your videos and actually try to do what you preach, very few people actually do that. Have a great day! :)
