Sunday, July 3, 2022

Juggling Week

This blog's tagline is about dealing with the unexpected. While that doesn't happen frequently anymore, this past week was full of unexpected events that needed to be handled in their own way.

Early Tuesday morning, my day nurse Sara called to say that she wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be able to come until later. Therefore, my night nurse got me up at 6:30 before he left. Getting up an hour earlier than usual, I slightly dozed through some YouTube while mom and I waited on Sara. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to come at all and dad stayed with me all day.

The caregiver switch went well though, as I put my legs in the sun while watching dad wash my van. We then ran the errands I had hoped to do that day and had a pleasant afternoon. Around 4:30, the phone rang again with my other day-time caregiver, Leah, on the line. She had an unexpected death in the family and wouldn't be able to work on Wednesday.

For the second day in a row, I got up early and had the day with mom. Dad came home from work as needed to help with my cares, but wasn't able to stay home again. Thankfully, a family friend was able to stay with me in the afternoon so mom could work in the basement. It was interesting spending time with a 15-year-old, but he did well.

Thursday, Sara worked a few hours as normally scheduled, but it still meant I had to get up early. I was thankful to see she was improving and looked forward to a regular day on Friday. Finally, the last day of the work week, I could sleep to my normal time. However, after three days of getting up early, I was still awake early.

As I went to take my first bike ride of the week, the tablet that controls the system needed to do an update. While waiting, I called my doctor about an issue I've been having and then had an early lunch. Two hours later, the bike was still updating, so I started getting setup to record a video for my YouTube channel. Just as we were finishing setup, my doctor called back and wondered if I could come in immediately as he could work me in the schedule. Sara put away my camera and we headed to the doctor.

By the time we returned, my bike had finally completed updates, but it was too late in the day to get on it. What I had hoped to get accomplished didn't happen and it turned into a very busy day of waiting and guessing.

The Bible says to not boast about tomorrow as you don't know what may come. In this week's quad life, the was very true. I'm hopeful that tomorrow's holiday and the remainder of the week goes well. However, I will wait to say plans until after they happen!

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