Sunday, September 17, 2023

Message Review

Last week, I spoke at a church in Sully, IA. Speaking at church isn't new, but this was a special rededication service that combined two congregations into one. It was a unique experience that I wasn't sure what to expect.

I was initially asked to give the message for this service in early spring. I wasn't very sure what speakers usually covered, but I immediately had half a sermon come to mind. Instead of going to bed at my regular time, I took about 20 minutes to write what was in my head so I may remember later.

As the months passed, different ideas came to mind, but usually in the middle of the night. In August, I got serious about preparing and started writing my message. When I got to page four and wasn't finished, I knew I had to restart. I began from scratch and did get a shorter message, but it still wasn't right. With advice from my mentor who helped me get my license, I did something new. Instead of completely writing what I would say, I just wrote my verse references and some notes for ideas and left it general.

While starting to review, I was also asked to do the children's service. I remembered a message I had given where I talked about Moses and had kids leave their shoes on stage. It would help supplement the service, so that is what I used.

On the day of the service, I navigated to the council room for a quick meeting and pray for guidance. Heading back to the main worship area, I passed an overflow seating area that looked pretty full. Sitting on the stage, I had a full main seating area looking at me as well as a side wing. Guessing by the gospel tracts distributed, there were around 500 people in attendance.

The message went well, looking at dedicating ourselves to God no matter the circumstances. I went over my allotted time, but I had good feedback from several people. It was a unique service, but I'm thankful God used me to give His Word at this service. Currently, I have three more services scheduled for this year, but don't have time for many more before winter.

As for quad life items, minor health challenges continue. I have two doctor's appointments scheduled this week and will need to have a small surgery soon as well. Thankfully, work is slow and I can concentrate on health needs. I will see what another week brings!

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