Sunday, December 17, 2023

Trading Rolls

Most days, and weeks, go on basically the same. Each one passes onto the next with regular routines changing very little if at all. However, sometimes rolls can be reversed and surprises walk-in when least expected.

Since last week's blog, I'm thankful to report dad is fully back to himself. Unfortunately, mom came home from work early on Monday and now she has been sick all week. Her symptoms sound very similar to what dad had, but I pray mom recovers soon.

In high school, I started reading the Bible almost every night. The practice has continued now for over 25 years and increased in the amount I read. I first started with my NIV Bible I used in school. It didn't have any commentary or study notes with it, just Scripture. After completing a course on Biblical Evangelism in 2016, I received the Evidence Study Bible as part of the graduation package.

This was my introduction to the NKJV Bible and commentary included with the Scripture. Reading study notes with the text took time to learn, but I still read from Genesis to Revelation in a year, or less. I varied reading style depending on the year, but I have enjoyed it and increased my depth of study. However, I have been looking at one more study Bible for a few years, and I finally got it.

My best friend John gave me a gift certificate for my birthday recently and with it, I purchased a John MacArthur Study Bible. Dr. MacArthur is a Pastor in southern California that is very well known for his in-depth preaching and teaching. I started reading through this new study Bible last Saturday, after completing another cover to cover trip in the Evidence Bible.

Starting in the New Testament, it took me three nights to read through the outlines of the New Testament and Matthew before getting to Matthew 1. Almost every verse has commentary and I'm only averaging one chapter a night for reading. However, I'm greatly enjoying it and the easier references back to the Old Testament prophecies. I will not get through the Bible in a year in my nightly reading, but will still do so in my morning reading.

Friday morning, I finished my regular routine and was working through my morning reading when I had quite the surprise. John suddenly walked through my bedroom door! The surprise visit had apparently been in planning for two weeks, but everybody managed to keep it from me. He could only stay the day, but it was fun getting caught up in person and having him around. I did really notice my recent trouble with memory, but it was still a great time.

Even in the quad life, routines can change on occasion. This week looks to be calm again, but I will see as Christmas draws near.

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