Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve

It is the day before Christmas, time for final preparations and planning for the holiday. Stores will be closed and many families gather as they celebrate the birth of our Savior. Modern anticipation is fun, but it's nothing compared to what happened 2000 years ago.

Mankind fell into sin not long after creation and restoration seemed impossible. However, God promised to send restoration that would be born from the offspring of the woman. All throughout the Old Testament, more information is given about the coming Messiah, with fuzzy pictures becoming more clear. 

A virgin will give birth to a Child (Isaiah 7:14) who would be born in Bethlehem and be a ruler of Israel (Micah 5:2). A child will have the government on His shoulders and be called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Many other foreshadows were given about the One who was to come, and His purpose.

After a 400 year silence from any further revelation, the prophecies were finally fulfilled. An angel announced to Mary and Elizabeth their roles in God's plan and how they would be used. Jesus was born in a stable and fulfilled every prophecy exactly as it had said.

Upon His birth, angels sang to shepherds and magi followed His star. Servants in the temple had waited a lifetime for what the Holy Spirit had promised and marveled as they held the baby, and warned of His purpose. Growing up, Jesus' parents and siblings didn't understand who He was and while performing the predicted signs, they wanted to take custody of Him.

About 33 years after His birth, the only sinless person to ever exist was crucified, died, and buried. He rose again on the third day, conquering death that we may have life in Him. All who repent of sin, and trust in Christ alone for forgiveness, not in works, can receive this free gift. As you celebrate Christmas this year, let us always remember the reason for our celebrating.

I have speculated a few times what I would preach at a Christmas service if given the opportunity, and it would likely be a reminder like this. It would mean going against my winter hibernation, but I would for the opportunity. Unfortunately, I found out too late that my home church needed help, but is instead not having a service. Whatever you're doing or life situation, never forget what is the true meaning of Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. This year I found and have been reading my way backwards through your blog. While I don't agree with you on some things, I find most of your posts to be 'page-turners'. I like how you try to find meaning in and appreciate even the little things, and it's helpful to be reminded of this when I all too often take things for granted. Although I recognise I don't always succeed, this past year I have hopefully gotten better at recognising the good in my life, and through your blog/youtube channel, you are one of the people who have helped me do that. Thank you. Merry Christmas Joel. :) Linda
