Sunday, June 23, 2024

Back to School

I graduated from high school in 2000 and college in 2003. After earning my Associate's degree, I took a break from school for a couple years before returning to work toward a Bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, health problems and school availability prevented me from finishing. However, I also took a few online courses of creation apologetics and outreach.

Therefore, it has been at least 15 years since I have taken any type of formal classes. The bug has often gnawed at me to take a course in something, but I didn't let it bite. Well, that has changed and I can now say I am a student once again.

In a few days, my main caregiver will work her last day until near the end of the year. That means I will likely have a lot of extra time laying around in bed. Other than binge on YouTube, I signed up for a 12-week course from The Expositor's Academy. I applied last week Saturday and received my approval on Monday. Since then, I have watched five of the half-hour lectures and started reading one of the required books.

Normally, I prefer physical books that I can see and touch. However, that requires someone setting up my book board, putting clips in various configurations, and then clipping pages as I progress. It works, but I need to have help and I try not to make my parents come back and forth that often. Fortunately, I was able to get two of the three books electronically so that I don't need extra help. Now, I just have to read them.

The next item on my list is a book quiz, but I can't tell anything beyond that. Therefore, I presume I need to read the entire book before continuing. It feels odd just to sit here and read when I have work to do, but it is what's required.

My schedule says I need to be finished by September 10. I'll need to figure out how to do my final preaching assignment, but I have ideas for that. So, I'll see if this old quad can learn new tricks, but I have enjoyed it so far. Hopefully assignments will be kind, but I'll find out soon and test my memory.

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