Sunday, June 9, 2024

Three turns to Six

Throughout the decades of having a spinal cord injury, I have been blessed to have many caregivers. The last 20+ years have been increasingly difficult to find help, and now nearly impossible. In late 2021 to 2022, Sara, my main day nurse, was off for several months due to a medical need. Thankfully Brenda, a nursing student at my local college, was willing to help and God again brought us through another challenging situation. Now, two years later, we're facing the situation again.

About a month ago, Sara let us know that she would be having surgery and was told recovery would take three months. Brenda has remained with me since 2022, but just graduated from college. Thankfully, she plans to return in August to finish two remaining courses that will conclude in December. Therefore, Sara considered waiting to have surgery until August so my hours could be covered more easily.

As the weeks have progressed, it has become apparent she can't wait that long and moved her procedure up to late June. During a doctor's visit this week, Sara learned that her three-month recovery will actually be closer to six. Therefore, surgery at the end of June could mean she can't return to full-time with me until January 2025. Sara normally covers three days a week.

My other day nurse is well beyond retirement age and isn't able to cover more than two days a week. For the immediate future, that means July will only have two day shifts per week covered. It looks like some of my infrequent helpers and a few volunteers may be able to help cover some afternoons so Mom can get some work finished. That still means my parents will be missing some work and not able to get out by themselves. When Brenda returns to class in mid-August, Fridays will still be open as well as parts of two other days. My parents are also managing their own health concerns with all this going on.

Comparing to other quadriplegic friends, I still have a lot of hours covered. I'm very thankful for what my parents and I have been given and whatever challenges come in the the quad life, I will remember to look and to God and trust His timing.

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