Sunday, June 16, 2024

Five Years

Today is Father's Day in the US. Many dad's will be getting cards, grilling, and be doing various activities they enjoy. I'm very thankful for the dad, and mom, that God gave me. For all my life he has helped through my needs and continues to work full-time even beyond retirement age so that I can keep insurance. I am blessed to have him, but the day set aside for his appreciation is one we haven't given much attention.

This day also marks the first full day for CHAMP Camp. I started attending camp in 1993 as an eleven-year-old camper. After seven summers as a camper, I graduated from high school and moved up to counselor. I enjoyed many years helping with the kids and marked my 15th summer of volunteering in 2019. Unfortunately, that year was very hard on me physically and I knew it was time to retire. Little did I know at the time, but camp did not meet in person the next two years due to COVID. I volunteered as a virtual counselor in 2021, but that's the last time I volunteered for camp.

Even though it has been five years, I still miss it and getting to help the campers and reconnect with friends. Yesterday, I saw pictures from a few friends as counselors arrived at camp for orientation before campers arrive today. One photo showed a table completely covered with every kind of snack food you could want. I remember many times sitting around the table listening to stories, telling some, playing board games on down times, and getting a sugar high. By the end of the week, it looked like every package had been sampled, but we still had an abundance to share.

Sometimes, I wonder if I could try to volunteer again. I know that non-medical volunteers have been greatly decreased since 2020, but it doesn't hurt to try. However, then I remember how absolutely miserable I felt in 2019 and would have to find different helpers for the week.

Whatever happens, I'm thankful for the years I was able to enjoy camp and almost forget that living the quad life is abnormal. The campers and counselors that attend now get to experience much of the fun I had, but now my dad also gets to have a break and observe his day. I never know what another year, or day, will bring and I appreciate all that God has blessed me with in so many ways.

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