Sunday, September 22, 2024

Who to Trust?

Most people have someone they look up to or admire. For kids, it may be their parents, and adults may point to athletes, experts in various fields, or even pastors. Whoever the person is, the admirer usually wants to be more like them and learn from their success. Unfortunately, we need to be very careful when looking to fellow mankind as people held in high esteem can, and do, fail.

On September 1, I concluded my class on preaching after nearly 12-weeks of work. The main instructor was Dr. Steve Lawson, who had 28 lectures about 30-minutes each. I have heard Dr. Lawson preach a number of times and mostly enjoyed his messages. The final video for class included tips on growing in preaching by listening to other pastors and a reminder to live what you preach. If you preach on not stealing, but take funds from an employer for example. you're not living as a Christian pastor. James 3:1 says that not many should become teachers, or preachers, as they will be held in higher judgment.

A few days ago, I was on YouTube and a suggested video came up from a Christian news source I follow. The main heading read, "Steve Lawson Removed from Pastoral Ministry." Watching the episode, I learned that Dr. Lawson had reported to his church leadership that he had an inappropriate relationship with a woman. As a result, he was immediately removed from his role as lead pastor and will be gone for an indefinite period of time.

Dr. Lawson is a man who many looked up to as a model pastor and have learned much from his teaching, I am one of them. This came as quite the surprise for a lot of people, but it's also a reminder that everyone has temptation, the heart is deceitfully wicked, and no one is good. That includes me and every pastor or leader anywhere.

We need to look to God alone as our admiration and to follow His teaching. Jesus was greatly tempted, but yet never sinned. He then took our punishment that all who trust in Him alone will be saved.

I pray for Dr. Lawson and all those who struggle with temptation. Living the quad life does not free me from wanting to go my own way instead of God's. Let this reminder make us check our own heart and to cut temptation however needed.

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