Sunday, October 13, 2024

Recovery Week

Another week has gone and I'm finally feeling back to normal, primarily anyway.

As I wrote in the final entry for my hospital stay, I was starting to improve. The first four days home felt like a struggle to do anything for more than 15 minutes without feeling completely exhausted. In the last ten days, I think I've taken more purposeful naps than I have in the last ten years. What bothered me most, was knowing I had work to do.

Most of the web work I do doesn't have a big impact on business and waiting an extra week, or more, for an update won't be a major problem. Yes, it means people won't get to preview their church bulletins early or review the latest sermon as quickly, but they will come eventually. Of course this round of hospital stays couldn't have been worse for one client.

A few weeks prior to my medical hiatus, I had been working with a long-term client and a web designer to get their new site online. We had communication trouble at first, as well as some challenges in getting logistics figured out, but the client's site finally got moved for the world to see. The next day was when I had my first ER visit.

My friend John has access to my email and business information and was monitoring everything for me. Unfortunately, a problem came up that potential customers couldn't contact my client due to a form not working. In my head, I knew exactly what needed to be done, but it has been several years since John helped with any "hands on" web development. Trying to explain the necessary steps with little voice didn't go well. It was the first thing I forced myself to do when I got home, but one of the steps didn't work as usual. The issue was finally resolved Wednesday, but I feel bad it was delayed over a week because of my health.

Part of hospital stays also include getting blood tests and an I.V. However, I'm a very hard stick and my right arm looked like I had lost a fight when I got home due to all the bruising. Thankfully, it has also returned to normal and doesn't look like any permanent damage. 

Now, I need to find a way for my parents to get time to recover. They had hoped to have a day on their own Friday, but my day caregiver was only able to do half her shift. Such is the story of the quad life family, but I pray this new week will be back to normal routine.

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